Ironhide x Reader ( Emberessing Moment )

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Reader's POV 

I was looking for my boyfriend around the base when I found him working out in his human form. He had his black tank top shirt on making me stare into his strong arms. He was lifting weights and for a moment I forgot why was I even looking for him as I could not look away from his arms. But as I remembered I began to walk towards him really quietly. I had my right hand behind my back and in it, I was holding an air horn. You know what an air horn can do to a person that it's not expecting it. As I was able to get really close I placed the air horn right behind his head. 


I pressed the button and the loud, annoying sound came out of it. Ironhide dropped the weights and quickly looked back. Before he or I knew it he fell on his butt as he trip over the wights. He began to curse in cybertronian as I began to laugh my ass off. His face was priceless. 

Ironhide: ''You are so dead Y/N.'' 

Tears of hard laughter were rolling down my face making me brush them off with my hand. I finally did it. I was trying so hard to do this to him and I finally did it. Just then I remember that I  really needed to talk to Bumblebee and just as I was about to leave a hand pushed me down. Before I knew it I was on the ground with Ironhide on top of me. Before I was able to start protesting he began to tickle me. I began to laugh my heart out. 

He knew that this was my weakness. As he finally stopped I could hear someone caught at the doorway. I turned my head towards the right and at that moment I wanted to disappear from its universe. Why? Prime himself was standing at the doorway. I knew exactly how this looked. I was laying on the ground with Ironhide between my legs. Why the heck did I decide to wear a dress today I did not know. 

Me: ''Hello dad.'' 

I said looking away. I could feel my cheeks becoming red as a tomato. Thanks to the Primes dad did not say a word. He just turned around and left.

Me: ''That was embarrassing.'' 

I said covering my eyes. 

Ironhide: ''You don't say.'' 

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