Soundwave x Reader ( Wrong Girl To Mess With )

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Reader's POV 

I was walking around the store looking for a perfect gift for my best friend ( Y/B/F/N ) whose birthday was tomorrow. I was looking and looking and when I finally found the perfect gift I went to the parking lot. The parking lot was fully empty and when I came to my car I took a seat behind the wheel and closed the doors behind me. 

Just as I was about to text my friend a knock came on the window. Looking to my left I saw a girl not that much other than me looking at me with a smile. She had a piercing on her left cheek. I placed the phone away and then I put the window on my left down so I could talk to the girl. 

Me: ''Yes?'' 

Girl: ''Hello my car broke down and I was thinking if I could borrow your phone so I could call my boyfriend?'' 

Me: ''I'm sorry I don't know you and I really need to go so...'' 

I was about to turn my car on when a gun was placed against my head. 

Girl: ''Get out of the car.'' 

Me: ''I don't think you want to do this.'' 

Girl: ''I said get out of the car whore.'' 

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car. The moment I took a few steps away from the car I saw a group of men running up to us. By their clothes, it looked like they were gangsters. 

Man 1: ''Hell yeah.'' 

Man 2: ''What a car!'' 

I looked forward at the girl who was still poting her gun at my forehead. 

Me: ''Be careful with the car. It's brand new.'' 

Man 2: ''Don't worry about it, sweetheart.''

All four of them took a seat inside the car but as they tried to turn the car on it didn't work. 

Man 3: ''Hey why the fuck is the car not working?!'' 

Me: ''It's on code.'' 

Man 1: ''What's the code!?'' 

Me: ''I'm afraid I can't tell you that.'' 

Man 4: ''Oh no? Let's us show you how well you be speaking after we will be done with you.'' 

Man 1: ''Let's get her boys.'' 

All four of them came out of the car and began to walk toward me with their mental sticks. 

Man 1: ''Tell us the code.'' 

Me: ''I don't think you want to know it.'' 

Man 3: ''Tell us or you will get it!'' 

Me: ''You really want to know?'' 

Man 4: ''Speak!'' 

Me: ''Okay, okay...the code is.......Transform.'' 

At that moment my car or should I say my boyfriend began to transform. All four boys began to scream as he took them down one by one. Before the girl could get away I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back and down. 

Stepping in front of her I looked her dead in the eyes. 

Me: ''You taught that you were stealing a car. Well, you were wrong. I will let my boyfriend let you go. But if I ever see you again you will get the same fate your friends did. Do you understand me?'' 

She quickly nodded. 

Me: ''Good. Now run whore.'' 

She jumped on her feet and ran away. I looked back at my boyfriend who changed into his human form and approach me. He pulled me into a long passionate kiss and I kissed him back. 

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