Ultra Magnus ( TP ) x Reader ( Christmas Cookies )

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Reader's POV

It was three days till Christmas and I decided that it was time to bake some Christmas cookies. I decided to make chocolate chips. They were my favorite and I believe that Magnus will like them as well. Just as I place all the ingredients on the table I heard the front doors open.

Voice: ''Y/N.''

It was Magnus.

Me: ''Kitchen!''

I said and as he came to me he placed his hands around my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

Magnus: ''Missed you.''

Me: ''Missed you too baby.''

Magnus: ''What are you doing?''

Me: ''Christmes cookies.''

Magnus: ''Nead a help?''

I looked back at him surprisingly.

Me: ''Would you?''

Magnus: ''Of course. Just tell me what to do.''

Me: ''Christmas miracle.''

Magnus: ''Werry funny.''

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then we began to bake. As we were baking I had to keep an eye on Magnus because he was a big fan of chocolate. When he tired the chocolate chips he wanted more and more. I had to take them away from him because we only had one box. When the first cookies were baked I placed them on the counter and smiled delicious cookies just wanting me to try them.

Magnus: ''They smell amazing.''

Me: ''They will test even better. But we have to wait. We don't want to burn ourselves.''

Magnus: ''Yes chefe.''

I playfully punched his arm and then we continue baking. One hour later as we finished baking there came a test time. I offered Magnus the cookies on a beautiful Christmas plate with snowmen on it. He took the cookie on the top and tried it. As he was eating it I could see that something was wrong.

Me: ''What is it? Not good?''

Magnus: ''No...''

Me: ''Did I gave too much sugar? OMG is it salt?''

I asked and Magnus nodded his head.

Me: ''WHAT? OMG, HOW COULD I....''

Before I could finish Magnus began to laugh.

Magnus: ''Babey the cookies are amazing! I was only joking.''

Me: ''OMG Magnus you! YOU...''

Before I could continue I got a big kiss from my men. The kiss was long and passionate. He picked me up and placed me on a counter.

Magnus: ''I'm sorry I was messing with you love. Here.''

He said and give me the cookie. I took the cookie from him and tried it. The moment I bit into it I fell in love again. I'm only joking. Magnus was my only love. Those cookies were my second. 

Me: ''We have to do more.''

Magnus: ''Yes we do.''

As I finished my cookie we kissed again and then make more cookies. We baked all night long for all my friends and other Autobots. All of them loved our cookies.

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