Megatron ( TP ) x Reader ( Leader's Order )

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Reader's POV

My eyes opened with great speed as the alarm clock on my phone went off. I quickly took my phone from under the pillow and turned it off. With sleepy eyes, I looked around for a moment. I saw that I wasn't in my room anymore. Looking to my left I saw him lying by my side and the memories of last night came back to me. 

Next to me was still sleeping lord Megatron the mighty lord of Decepticons. He was on his back with his lower body covered under the blanket while his chest was out. Well if I was fully nude you guys may have known what happened last night. I was about to get out of bed when a strong hand came around me and pulled me back.

Megatron: ''Where the hell do you think you are going?''

Me: '' I thought you were sleeping.''

I said as his eyes slowly opened. I was on him with my chest against his. My cheeks were burning red. 

Megatron: "I had an amazing night last night.''

A smile came on my face and I wasn't able to hide it.

Me: ''Me too.''

Megatron's eyes went down my body and for a moment I became shy so I covered my body with the blanket. 

Megatron: ''Why so shy love? There is nothing I didn't see last night.''

Me: ''Okay stop it I need to go.''

I said as I began to move but he didn't let me go.

Megatron: ''Where do you need to go?''

Me: ''School." 

Megatron: "No school for you today. You are staying with me." 

Me: "Yeah right." 

Megatron: "I am serious pet." 

Me: "Don't you have Decepticons to lead to victory?" 

Megatron: "Not today." 

I began to resist him again but I wasn't getting anywhere. 

Megatron: "I am ordering you to stay with me." 

He said into my ear making chills roll down my bear back. 

Me: "All right my lord. But what will we do in the whole day?" 

Megatron: "Oh I have plans."

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