Hot Shot x Reader ( Seashells )

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Reader's POV 

The wind was gently touching my skin as I was walking up and down the beach looking for seashells. I was creating a necklace for my little sister's birthday and I needed to find a lot of seashells. 

Voice: ''Y/N!'' 

Looking at the way the voice was calling me I saw Hot Shot in his human form running towards me. 

Hot Shot: ''Where have you been???? I have been looking all over for you!!'' 

Me: ''Hello to you too Hot Shot. Why are you panicking? I told you where I was going.'' 

Hot Shot: ''Why am I panicking? You don't answer your phone and the first thing that comes to Autoboth's mind is that a Decepticons got you. Wait, wait you did?'' 

Me: ''Yeah I did. Yesterday when you left me at home I told you that I will go to the beach.'' 

Hot Shot: ''Oh...well what are you doing here anyway? It's too cold for swimming.'' 

Me: ''Don't be silly of course I didn't come to swim. It's October. I came here to pick up seashells for my sister. I will make her a necklace for her birthday.'' 

Hot Shot: ''That's nice. Do you need help looking for them?'' 

Me: ''That would be amazing.'' 

Together Hot Shot and I began to look for the seashells. It was really cute to see Hot Shot happy when he found his first seashell after ten minutes of searching. Really soon we had enough seashells for the necklace. 

Me: ''We have enough seashells Hot Shot. We can go.'' 

Hot Shot: ''Hey look what I found Y/N!'' 

Turning around I saw that he pulled something really big from the ground. Stepping closer to him I saw that he pulled a giant seashell from the ground. It was so big and so beautiful that my mouth dropped open. 

Me: ''Oh my lord. Hot Shot do you know what this is?'' 

Hot Shot: ''A giant seashell?'' 

Me: ''Not only dad. Because of the shape and air trapped inside of it, you can hear the ocean.'' 

Hot Shot: ''Yeah right.'' 

Me: ''I'm not lying to you. Let's try it.'' 

Taking the seashell from his hand I placed it against my ear and began to listen. As I heard it I placed the seashell against Hot Shot's ear. 

Me: ''Can you hear it?'' 

His eyes winded in shock as he heard the ocean inside the seashell. 

Hot Shot: ''This is amazing! How did you know it can do that?'' 

Me: ''When I was small my dad bought me one from the marker. I had it for many years but then I lost it when we moved.'' 

Hot Shot: '' have this one then.'' 

Me: ''What? You sure?'' 

Hot Shot: ''Yeah. Each time you will look at it you will remember this. How we together look for the seashells.'' 

Me: ''Oh thank you. You are so sweet.'' 

I said kissing him on the cheek and making him turn bright red. 

Me: ''Now, let's go. I will show you how to make a necklace.'' 

I said as I took his hand and together we left. 

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