Bumblebee ( TP ) x Reader (It's Alright )

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Reader's POV 

The moment Autobots returned from the mission I could see by their faces that they did not win. How was that even possible the plan was great. But the one that was pissed the most was Bee. He walked past the kids and me right toward the rooms. I looked back towards the others, crossing my hands under my chest. 

Me: ''What happened?''

Arcee: ''Bee was supported to blow up the mine but it didn't work....''

Me: ''So you are blaming him for failing the mission?''

Bulkhead: ''No-''

Arcee: ''Yes.''

Me: "Are you guys serious?" 

Acree: "We all had our roles in this mission and he blew his. Optimus and Bulkhead got hurt because of him."

Optimus: "I am okay, Arcee." 

Bulkhead: "Me too." 

Me: "You know Acree, Bee always tries his best, and yeah maybe this wasn't his day but he never blamed you guys when one of you fucked up the mission. You sure are a good team." 

Turning around I left to find Bumblebee. The moment I came to our room I saw him hitting the wall with great force making a big hole in it. 

Me: "Bee calm down." 

Bee: "It's my fault Y/N! I messed up the mission!''

Me: "Bee is okay." 

Bee: "IT'S NOT!" 

He yelled as he prepared his cannot to shoot another wall behind him. 


He snapped out of his anger and I could see pain in his optics. No more anger but just...pain. Putting his cannon away he changed himself into his human form and fell down on his knees. I approached him and the moment I went down on my knees I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. Immediately he hugged me back and started to cry. 

Me: "It's okay to cry Bee. It's okay."

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