Smokescreen ( G1 ) x Reader ( Mornings )

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Third Person's POV 

It was seven in the morning and Y/N was peacefully sleeping in her bed, surrounded by pillows and warm blankets that kept her body warm. Like 50% of people around the world Y/N was not a morning person and her boyfriend Smokescreen knew that. But he was so hungry for his mate's attention. 

For a whole month, he was on an important mission and he came back just yesterday evening. They spent the whole night in each other's arms, but Smokescreen wanted more. He was worried that he will have to go on another mission really soon and that he won't be able to spend the precious time with his girl. 

He wanted her kisses, her touch, her smiles. Basically her full attention. Y/N meant everything to him. They meet a few months ago and ever since the first eye contact they were in love. As he got on the bed, he went to her and kissed her bare shoulder. 

Smokescreen: ''Babe wake up.'' 

Y/N moved a little, but her eyes did not open. Smokescreen kissed her on the same spot again. 

Smokescreen: ''''

He tried again by kissing her on the head, then on her cheek. Nothing. When Y/N began to move he taught that she was walking up. But she wasn't.  She just moved so she wasn't sleeping on her stomach but on her back. Smokescreen was about to give up when an idea came to his mind. 

Smokescreen: ''Okay let's try this.'' 

He placed his lips close to her ear. 

Smokescreen: ''It looks like you won't wake up for me. I guess I will have to go and have a shower on my own.'' 

As he got out of the bed he made his way towards the bathroom. The moment he was standing under the shower and hot water began to roll down his body the doors behind him opened. With a smile, he turned around to see Y/N. 

Smokescreen: ''I taught you were sleeping, love.''

Y/N: ''Oh shut up and kiss me.'' 

Before he could say something, Y/N smashed her lips with him. A smile of true winner grew on his face as he placed his hands around her and pulled her closer for more kisses and more attention. 

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