Ultra Magnus ( TP ) x ( Hate Is A Strong Word )

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Reader's POV

Y/N: "Magnus."

I couldn't believe that he was here. After so many months he was here. In the base. His blue optics were looking at my ( Y/E/C ) eyes. As team Prime went to great him I didn't move. I looked down on the floor and clenched my fists. I was pissed. No, I was angry. Really angry. What is he doing here? Why did he come back?

Bulkhead: "Y/N aren't you happy?"

When I didn't give the response the whole room became silent.

Magnus: "Y/N..."

Me: "What are you doing here?"

Magnus: "Y/N I..."

Me: ''What are you doing here?''

Magnus: "I came back like I promised."

A sarcastic laugh came out of my mouth.

Me: "Oh really? You left 9 months ago and I got no messages or calls so I knew that you were okay. I don't even know why am I talking to you, because I don't need to.''

I turned around and began to walk towards my car.

Magnus: "Y/N let me expalne."

Me: "See you guys tomorrow."

Raff: "Bye Y/N."

Taking a seat behind the wheel I was about to turn my car on when Magnus stepped in front of the car. Really?

Me: "Move."

Magnus: "Y/N please listen to me."

Me: "Magnus you had your chance and you blew it."

Turning my car on I drew past him out of the base with anger. We were supposed to be friends and partners. But he just left one day without saying where or why. I was so mad at him. No, I hated him. I really did hate him for leaving me.

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