Ch.8 - Given Up?

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I now have three more days left before I am able to get out of the infirmary. I hate it in here. I hate sitting still. I hate that the nurse just doesn't say anything ever even when changing my bandages or icing my ankle. I sighed and sat up in my bed, beginning to eat the dinner I was given.

Christa had informed me that we had learned how to use rifles today. I wish I had been there, but she promised that someone would come to help me. I'm guessing it'll be Annie or Ymir.

I finished my dinner and set the tray to the side. I looked over at my propped ankle and wiggled it a bit. It didn't hurt that much anymore. It definitely felt better. Though, now I'll probably have a weak ankle. That's fine.

I sat there for a while, messing with the blanket I had. I finally heard the door open and looked up praying it wasn't the nurse. It wasn't. It was worse…..

It was Reiner…..

I saw that he had a rifle and finally realized why he was there. Christa….why?!?!?

"Christa said you'd want to know how to use the rifles," Reiner stated as he walked over to my bed.

I didn't meet his gaze and nodded. 

"I'll just start explaining then," Reiner said and sat down in the chair next to my bed.

"So this is how you load it," Reiner informed as he went on to explain how to use a rifle and everything.

He continued on and on, and I silently listened intently to him speak. He kinda has a cool voice. That's not weird to think about, right? Eh. I don't care.

"Then you aim, pull the trigger, and you hit your target," he stated, finishing up his explanation.

I nodded and replied, "I understand now. Thank you for stopping by."

Reiner nodded and then stood up to leave, but he didn't. He stood by the door and turned to face me. 

"(Y/N)," Reiner started but I cut him off.

"If you're going to apologize, it's still not accepted," I said coldly.

He quiet for a while and then finally said, "I miss you in training."

Once he said that he left. I sat there so confused and contemplated his words. Now I feel bad for still being mad at him. Heck! It's been weeks, but he still hasn't really earned my respect. Did he finally give up? Was Bertholdt wrong? Wait. Why do I even care?!

I sighed and put a pillow over my face.

"Just smother me," I mumbled into the pillow. 

"Oh really?" Ymir said, walking in which I didn't expect.

I threw the pillow at her and huffed, saying, "That's not what I meant."

"So, you meant death," Ymir questioned. "Oh yeah. Reiner was here earlier. I don't blame you."

"Ymir! That's mean!" Christa scolded her.

"What? He's still being mopey," Ymir stated and shrugged.

"Well, he didn't try to apologize again today," I commented.

"Wow. I wonder if he's given up," Ymir said and smirked.

"Ymir. Don't get any ideas," Christa scolded and glanced suspiciously at her.

"Ideas. I'm not sure what you're talking about, my love," Ymir teased and winked at her.

I giggled and Christa's face was priceless. Eventually they left and now I'm curious as to what Ymir is up to.

Ymir pov

The next day, I had formulated a small plan. I was going to figure out what Reiner's deal was about (Y/N). I'll figure out a way for him to talk.

I headed to the dining hall and grabbed a tray of food. I spotted Reiner and Bertholdt sitting at their table and smirked. I walked right over and set my tray down, startling both guys.

"Morning Ymir," Bertholdt greeted and yawned.

"Mhm," I mumbled and then looked straight at Reiner. "What's your deal with (Y/N)?"

Reiner looked at me confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You still trying to get in her favor or have you given up, Braun," I questioned and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well, she doesn't really give me a chance to get in her favor and she won't accept my apology. So, what's the point of continuing," Reiner said and Bertholdt seemed shocked.

"You gave up?" He asked and Reiner nodded.

"Wow. That's sad," I commented and chuckled. "I can't believe you've given up."

Reiner rolled his eyes and turned away from me.

"Why stop? Do you not care about her? Do you hate her now? Or maybe you actually like her," I stated and smirked. "Was seeing her shirtless the tipping point for you?"

Reiner's eyes widened and asked, "How did you know that?"

"Christa probably told her," Bertholdt inquired and shrugged.

"You knew?!" Reiner said, dumbfounded.

"So, you do like her?" I asked again.

"I respect her as a person. She's strong and unique, and I actually care about her," Reiner responded and narrowed his eyes. "Now go find Christa, Ymir."

I smirked and then picked my tray up, walking away. I got my answers. I sat down with Christa and began to eat.

"What were you and Reiner talking about?" She questioned.

"Don't worry about it, angel," I replied and smiled, lightly petting the top of her head.

It's a bit short, but you know. Short and sweet is sometimes good. Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll hopefully have another chapter out tomorrow.

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