Ch. 143 - The Happiest Ending

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To say my wedding day was my happiest day, isn't the truth. Seeing my children for the first time brought so much joy to me. Having not known them for months as a war went on tore a hole in my heart, right next to where I yearned to reunite with Reiner. My wedding day would be the second happiest day. Finally marrying the love of my life was pure joy and adoration.

We began preparations as soon as everyone made it back to the island. Since I was pregnant, we needed to act before I couldn't fit into any wedding dress. It was nice having everyone dote over me. Made me feel like a Queen. Ironically, I am one, but even more so thanks to my friends.

Getting ready before I walked down the aisle made me nervous. This was going to be a big moment in my life and I've been through so much. Titans, soldiers, politicians, and Marleyans all blurred to together as I thought of my trouble. They're over now. I was able to help everyone. I was so grateful.

"Are you ready?" Annie asked softly as she brushed a hand against my shoulder. "You sure you don't want to back out. It's Reiner after all."

I snickered at her comment and then stood up, nodding. "I'm sure."

Before I went out memories played in my head. How stupid our young love was in the cadet core. First I hated him, then we became such good friends, next thing you know I'm in love. He had to put up with a lot when it came to me, but I couldn't be more grateful for him.

I walked over and was met with my adoptive father Xavier. He's aged through the years as us kids dealt with war and now we're here, sending me off.

"You look beaitiful," he told me.

"Thank you. I'm glad to have you here as I'm given away," I spoke. "You were the one who found me as a child and now you'll be handing me over for a new journey."

"I'm glad as well. I'm glad I was able to raise you, even if it was for a couple years," he said as I took his arm.

We walked down the aisle, music playing as everyone watched. So many people that I've gotten to know in my life, all in one place.

I turned my attention to what was in front of me and saw him....Reiner. I couldn't help but smile. Xavier lightly kissed my forehead and then let Reiner take my hand as I walked up to the alter.

We took our vows as we stared deeply into each other's eyes, neither of us wanting to look away. Happy that this was real and that we're both here alive. Soon we sealed these vows with a kiss, hearing cheers in the background as we held each other close.

Next thing I know I'm on the dance floor with all my friends. Porco spun me around and I laughed happily. Soon enough Falco offered to dance with me and he was so cute I felt like I could refuse, until Udo started to argue he wanted the next dance. I chuckled in amusement and then let a small gasp of surprised as I was picked up and swept away.

"Reiner!" I spoke as I smile at him. "That was rude."

"What? You're my bride now. Doesn't the groom deserve to steal his bride away from other men," Reiner teased.

I rolled my eyes and then kissed his cheek before he set me down. Next thing I know I hear the sounds of scolding, looking over to see Sasha trying to eat everything she could whilst Connie and Jean tried to stop her. Annie and Bertholdt kept to themselves in the corner and I looked to the other side to see usual trio of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin.

I lightly suggested Reiner talk to some of the others and thank them before I walked over to the trio. They looked up and smiled as I approached.

"Congratulations," Armin spoke happily.

"Thank you," I said. "I'm glad you could all be here."

"Same here," Mikasa stated and then pulled me in for a small hug.

I hugged her back and knew what this meant. I wouldn't be seeing them for awhile. That truly saddened me.

"I guess the cabin has been finished then," I said and looked to Eren.

"Yes. Mikasa and I will be living there now. Peaceful life," he responded.

"It's well deserved since you helped save the world," I told him, smiling.

Eren shook his head and smiled back. "We saved the world," he replied.

I nodded and was soon whisked away by Pieck to talk. The evening continued with cake, more music, laughter, and more dancing. Eventually the crowds died down as people left.

"Don't get into too much trouble while you're off with your husband, (Y/n)," Ymir told me.

"Just promise you'll look after Felix and Frieda for me," I responded with a chuckle.

"They're a delight. I'm proud to be their aunt," Historia spoke.

I nodded and then gave them all hugs before looking to see Annie and Bertholdt.

"Don't be strangers," I told them.

"We won't. I'll make sure to write to you," Annie said and hugged me close. "You're truly my best friend (Y/n). Thank you.....for everything."

"Of course," I said and then looked at Bertholdt.

"I wish you a safe trip," Bertholdt spoke. "It'll be weird not having Reiner around again..."

"I bet. You're his best friend after all. Go talk to him instead of his crazy wife," I said and he scurried off.

Annie and I chuckled at that and then turned to each other.

"I can't believe we're all alive and....happy..." Annie spoke. "If that's what you call this."

"Yes...Yes it is," I told her.

Eventually Reiner and I got into a carriage, set off to where we'll be staying for a few days. I stared out the window, seeing no walls and such vastness of green. I felt a hand snake around my waste and pull me closer as I looked at Reiner in amusement.

"Can't keep your hands off me can you," I teased.

"I don't plan to anytime soon. You're all mine afterall," Reiner murmured as he peppered my neck with kissed.

I enjoyed the sensation and smiled happily. I then turned and kissed him passionately, not breaking apart for a long while.

"I love you, Reiner," I told him.

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

Who knew such a pair would end up together.

A Warrior from the enemy side.


A Girl From Royalty.

I would like to thank you all so so much for reading this book. It has been a true journey creating this wonderful story and I enjoyed it and I hope you all enjoyed the story too!

I plan on possibly writing a few bonus chapters in the future! Some visions of future life between Reiner and (Y/n) along with their children and other characters. Since I feel like some of the characters I didn't have so much in this book should be included some more just for funsies!

I truly love attack on titan and all it's characters, so I'm glad I could write something amazing as this with them in it.

I cannot tell you enough how happy I am and I do like how I ended it!

I truly hope you all enjoyed this story! Thank you for supporting me through for so long!

Thank you for reading! Love you guys!!!

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