Ch. 35 - I Pardon You

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We stood in these giant ass trees for what felt like forever. Our job being to keep titans out of the forest, but us standing on branches was luckily keeping them on the outskirts. What could possibly be happening in there? They must have some sort of plan since they haven't called for a retreat.

All the sudden we heard this animalistic screech come within the forest. I covered my ears, not liking how it sounded. Once it finished and turned to stare into the forest.

That had to be a yell from a giant creature. A titan....Annie.

Everyone now seemed so on edge due to the screech and there seemed to be an odd moment of calm. But of course, there is always a calm before a storm.

Titans began rushing into the forest and all of us were startled.

"Quick! Kill as many titans as you can!" Our superior yelled and we all set off.

They were running so fast and it was hard to get them since they were booking it. I was able to kill two before our superior told us to disengage. There was nothing more we could do.

We stood there helplessly as we couldn't destroy a whole hoard of titans from heading into the forest. For me, it was obvious they reacted to Annie's screams.

Eventually, blue smoke rounds were being fired into the air one by one. We would finally get to head back. But, what had we even accomplished.

"Retreat and get back to your horse's. We're going to meet up with everyone else," our superior order.

"What? It's already over," Jean muttered as he stared up at the sky.

I didn't have a good feeling about any of this, but went down to meet up with Faye. Everyone hopped onto their horses and began to ride off to meet up with the rest of the scouting legion. Not me. I stayed in the shadows, waiting everyone to be gone from the treeline.

I waited a good amount of time and then turned to Faye.

"I'll call for you when I need you," I told her and lightly pet her nose.

I then shot my grapples up into the trees and began to fly through the forest. I first headed in the direction of where all the steam was coming from. When I arrived, the sight I saw was not pleasant.

Titans were all surrounding something and looking as if they were gnawing on it. It must have been Annie's titan body. They must have someone were able to trap her. I looked around some more and saw several titan corpses disintegrating as well.

"The scouts at least put up a fight to try and keep her alive," I murmured.

I knew she wasn't dead. She was too smart. I heard two green smoke rounds go after. They had a few seconds between each other as if the other one was a response. I decided that's where I would head to next.

It took awhile of maneuvering through the giant trees and arrived at the sight of where the second smoke round was fired. I didn't see anything so I headed forward. Soon enough, I did see something.

It was a dead body hanging from a tree. They died while using there ODM gear and was left to dangle. I landed beside them on the side of the tree. This person was killed by blades, not a titan...

"Rest in peace. Your sacrifice will not be unnoticed," I spoke softly and then continued on.

I came to an area where I saw a fallen trees, along with some fallen scouts. Three of them. Two men and one woman. I recognized them now. These were all people who were apart of the Levi squad. The ones who were to fight to protect Eren. Look where that got them.

"Be at peace for your fighting days are done," I muttered and then found the body of a disintegrating titan. "Eren."

Annie must have been successful in fighting Eren. Makes sense since he's pretty inexperienced and has only transformed a few times. I should probably head back to the rest of the scouting legion. I heard maneuvering gear and realized they were probably here to collect the bodies. I had to move on and get out of here.

I flew off through the forest for a good amount of time, but something caught my eye. It was if time froze and I looked down. A female titan, sitting against a tree.

I immediately stopped and flew down, landing on the titan's head. Her body wasn't disintegrating yet, which meant she was still here. She probably was going to have to use her titan to reach Wall Rose once again.

"Annie," I called softly. "I know it's you. Come out."

The titans body seemed to move and all the sudden I felt a hand gently pick me up, placing me in the palm of her other hand. She was staring down at me.

I stood in my place and stared up at her.

"Your titan form is pretty amazing, if you must know," I replied with a smile. "You hold the powers of the female titan. I'm pretty jealous."

I soon heard steam coming out and looked over towards her neck. Annie emerged from her titan form and made her way over to her.

"You're not afraid and you even knew it was me," Annie commented. "You knew all about titan shifters this whole time. You weren't just playing smart, you already knew."

"Yes. That is true," I replied.

"Eren's titan is the one that killed your family. That's what you said to me back in Trost," Annie recalled. "And you know about titan shifters, which means your family were the holders of the Founder....You're of royal blood."

I  saldy smiled at her. "Yeah...That's also true..." I responded. "I don't really like who I am, but that doesn't mean I should feel bad for myself. I should take it upon myself to live the life I want now. Not one everyone can control."

"You would make a great Queen," Annie commented, remembering what Ymir said the day before Trost fell.

I blushed a little and then hugged Annie.

"They're going to come after you," I muttered. "I bet they'll eventually figure out who you are."

I pulled away and stared into her eyes. "No matter what happens to you, I pardon you from all crimes. If you are captured I will save you. They can't turn me down," I promised her. "I will not let these people be cruel to for what you are."

Annie smiled and then pulled me back in for another hug. I could feel tears falling from her eyes and only my shoulder.

"Thank you. (Y/N)..." Annie replied. "You truly are not a devil."

"I will take that as a compliment," I replied as I patted her back.

It's another update from yours truly!!!

Annie time! Kinda feel like this is more like an Annie x Reader sometimes and honestly I'm okay with that. Reiner is a but sometimes and you need your girlfriend there for you.

I love Annie so much btw. One of my faves along with the rest of the titan trio.

More updates will happen soon!

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