Ch. 54 - The Chase Begins

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I was falling and next thing I know I'm in something's grasp. It was in no way gentle. Of course, it was a titan. I felt it's fingers around me squeeze and my body felt like it was breaking. I cried out in pain and soon heard the sound of maneuvering gear.

The titan's hand was slashed off and I was falling again. I looked up and Bertholdt flew towards me, grabbing onto my arm. I tried to hold onto him, but my body felt broken. He was doing most of the work holding onto me. He flew back up to the branch Eren and Reiner were on. I assumed Eren had finally been subdued since I didn't hear any fussing or fighting.

Bertholdt set me down and I winced at the contact between the branch and my back. Reiner raced over to me immediately and was clearly worried to death.

"You'll heal but that doesn't mean the pain will stop," Reiner murmured and as began to examine me.

As he lightly touch my side I winced. I could feel the bones beginning to heal but my body felt so janked up now. I luckily wasn't paralyzed though. I took this moment to slip the note into Reiner's pocket as he looked me over.

"You're too injured and you'll just be in pain if we continue on," Reiner said.

"But Reiner, we need to go now. The scouts are almost here," Bertholdt called as he finished tying up Eren.

"I'll heal on the way. I'll endure the pain. We need to go if you guys are going to get out of here," I stated and lightly rested my hand against Reiner's cheek.

Reiner sighed, clearly torn. He didn't want me to be in pain, but he needed to get everyone out of here. The scouts were close and the time being wasted now was going to close up the distance between them.

"(Y/N). Are you sure?" Reiner asked worriedly.

I slowly nodded and then he leaned down, placing a light kiss against my lips.

"The scouts are close. We need to move," Bertholdt said.

They tied Eren to Bertholdt's back so that if he woke up he couldn't escape. The scouts were so close I could see the green smoke rounds nearby. Reiner picked me up and they raced into the forest.

The plan was for Reiner to transform once we reached the edge of the forest. That way all of us would be safely sitting on him as we ran through titan territory. With his armour we would be more protected. I didn't like the idea of being put in harms way more, but they needed to run since the scouts were not too far behind.

We eventually reached the edge and Reiner set me down. Bertholdt picked me up and glanced behind. I could hear the faint sounds of maneuvering gear approaching, fast.

"I stalled you guys too long," I murmured and looked at Bertholdt. "I'm so sorry. We're going to get caught because of me."

"Don't blame yourself right now," Bertholdt responded softly.

Reiner gazed back at us and then pulled out a knife. He jumped off the branch and sliced through his hand. Lightning sparked around his as his titan formed around his body.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard someone yell from afar.

"Historia," I whispered in shock.

Why was she here?!

I didn't have time to think as Bertholdt jumped off and flew over to Reiner. He landed on his shoulder and I did my best to hold on since I was still healing from the earlier incident. But, luckily all of my leg was finally healed up. I had more appreciation for my limbs now.

Were we gonna make it? Or would the scouts catch up to us.

3rd Person:

The scouts raced through the forest and had noticed the lightning, immediately heading in that direction. They reached the edge of the forest and watched as the Armoured Titan raced off.

"Oh no...Eren's being taken away," Armin said.

"Is Eren the only person you care about!?" Ymir shouted at him. "You and Mikasa both. Not everything is about him!"

"They have (Y/N) too!" Historia cried out. "She's my sister and I want her back!"

"I..." Armin said stunned by them calling him out.

"Don't stop you guys!" Hannes yelled. "Get on your horses and give chase!"

Everyone nodded and raced back to their horses. They hopped on and all gave chase after the Armoured Titan.

Erwin soon noticed the Armoured Titan running away and he narrowed his eyes.

"All Squads! Let the titans chase after you!" Erwin commanded and raced off. "Follow my lead!"

"Erwin...You demon! Are you trying to use us as bait again?!" A member of the MPs yelled as he followed after Erwin.

"That's not my intention! The Military Police have fought well! Now serve your duty as soldiers," he called back and then faced forward. "The Armoured Titan plans to escape with Eren and (Y/N)! We have to stop him no matter what!"

Titans were following close behind them as they began to chase after the Armoured Titan.

Not too far behind was the squad that had gone into the forest.

"He's not fast enough to escape! We'll catch up!" Jean called out to the others.

"This time, I won't hesitate. I'll kill them both I swear," Mikasa stated. "If (Y/N) gets in the way then she's asking for it too."

"Don't you dare!" Ymir hissed. "If any of you scouts lay a hand on her, you'll regret it!"

"You have no right to be talking!" Mikasa called back. "(Y/N) is fraternizing with the enemy."

"As much as she cares about them, they kidnapped her!" Ymir pointed out. "You want answers about the walls? About titan? About why all this shit is happening? She has them! Don't kill her!"

Another one!
*does cool dance move and fails*

Ymir and Historia coming to save the baby.

Will Reiner and Bertholdt make it?

Will (Y/N) be able to go with them?

Who the hecc knows. I don't even know.
In a way.

Hope you all have been enjoying the story though!
Thanks for reading! ❤💘❤💘

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