Ch. 11 - It Was Worth It

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A couple of months went by and our training had progressed. We were skilled on hand to hand combat, along with ODM gear combat training. Today's training however, is very different.

Our next exercise had the 104th trading corps split up into two groups. We are suppose to make a round trip to our target location, and record our progress within a given time period. The length of the trip is about 40km.

Marco was one of the group leaders with Armin as the record-keeper. The rest in the group were Jean, Mina, Sasha, Christa, Connie, Eren and I.

The other group had Thomas as the leader and Mikasa as the record-keeper. The rest consisted of Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Daz, Ymir, and Samuel.

Both teams set out at the same time and were on their way to the target area. The main point of the exercise was to exchange information with the other group at the target location, and then heading back to the start point, essentially completing a loop.

Marco's group, the group I'm in, was currently slowing down a bit after cantering for a while on our horses.

"So, we're not allowed to rush, right?" Marco asked.

"R-Right!" Armin stuttered back and kept writing on his notepad.

"We'd also be stupid if we did," Jean commented in the back. "We can take our time."

"You don't know your lower limit," Eren retorted as he glanced back at Jean. "Jean, if you're going to take it slow, then I'm going ahead."

"Wait, Eren," Armin called as Eren began to move ahead.

Marco stopped Eren and said, "But the formation of the group.... What should we do Jean?"

"Like I care," Jean replied. "Extra effort here won't get me into the military police."

"That's not true.... Anyway, let's not get on with the exercise," Marco responded and faced forward again.

"Why would you want to be apart of the military police?" I asked and glanced back at Jean. "They're selfish and only care for themselves, dumping work on the newbies."

"How would you know this?" Jean asked and looked toward me skeptically.

"My father was apart of the military police," I responded quickly, lying of course.

"Shouldn't you respect them since your father is apart of it?" Jean inquired.

"My father is coward," I stated and turned to face ahead.

I didn't get a response from him so I decided to just stay focused at the task at hand.

"This is tiresome," Jean finally stated.

"We have a long road ahead of us," Mina said and for a while the group grew quiet.

After a few minutes of riding, I noticed a lizard running beside us to our right. Jean seemed to notice it as well.

"Jeez," he began. "The lizard's joining us on the same route, huh..."

"It's rare to see that," Marco commented when he noticed as well.

"They're delicious, you know," Sasha informed us. "They really are. My family and I used to eat them. They taste like chicken."

"You can cook?" Jean questioned, now interested.

"Of course I can. Piece of cake!" Sasha announced.

"Alright then!" Jean said and then took off after the lizard.

"Hey," Marco called after him.

"If hunting for food is apart of the exercise, then what's better than getting that lizard!?" Jean called back.

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