Ch. 53 - Who Is The Enemy?

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I finally let go of Eren, moving away from him and hugging my knee to my chest. The leg that wasn't still healing. I sighed and then looked over towards Reiner and Bertholdt. They seem shocked, but couldn't come up with anything to say. I decided to divert from this subject.

"So, we're going to meet up with that monkey right?" I questioned, brining up the beast titan again.

"Huh? What monkey?!" Eren questioned as he stood back up, even though he had nubs for arms.

"Let me catch you up to speed Eren," I responded. "That monkey, also known as the Beast Titan as mentioned before, is what called the recent titan fiasco inside wall Rose. He made titans rise up from within the walls, since no one could find a hole in the wall. It's the only possibility. I don't know how he did it though. I think he was trying to assess our strength. That's where Reiner and Bertholdt want to take us. He's the way they get home, right?"

Reiner and Bertholdt were put into shock again by how well I was able to put things together. I guess I am smarter than people think. I unfortunately have my family to thank for that.

"You knew this?" Eren accused. "What all do you know?! Tell me everything!"

"Just wait. I have goals of my own," I responded.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!" Eren yelled at me.

"If you really think killing these two will bring an end to everything, you're sorely mistaken, Eren," I shot back, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Huh? Then who is the enemy!" Eren questioned aggressively.

"Enemy, huh..." I murmured as I stared up at Eren. "Who knows? There are all sorts of people who want benefits and wouldn't mind if people died because of it. Even people inside the wall think this way, who don't give a rat's shit about anyone."

"What?!" Eren hissed. "How can someone inside the walls think like that?!"

"Because everyone is devils! All of us!" I shot back. "No matter what kind of person you are. There's some evil inside each of us. More so than others."

"You're just trying to defend them," Eren pointed out.

"Maybe I am, but right now I'm not defending anyone. I'm stating the truth," I replied and that seemed to stump Eren. "I know more than most inside these walls. If anyone knows what they're talking about it's me."

"(Y/N). You don't need to speak anymore," Reiner interrupted and Bertholdt landed right beside him.

"Alright. I'll stop," I responded softly and stretched out my arms.

"Hey. Why the hell do you just give in to them?" Eren questioned and I huffed.

"Because, I make the effort to understand them," I replied and closed my eyes. "You can't judge every book by it's cover, Eren Jeager."

All the sudden, Reiner and Bertholdt seemed distracted by something. I was suspicious, but decided to stay quiet. I now appreciated the silence we had earlier of just sitting and waiting for nightfall. I was glad for the silence right now as I began to try and calm myself, relieve my nerves a bit.

3rd Person:

"Reiner. What are you right now?" Bertholdt asked worriedly as he grabbed Reiner's shoulder.

"Relax. I'm a warrior," Reiner responded and brushed his hand away.

"Do you think we can trust (Y/N) enough?" Bertholdt asked. "As much as I care about her, she doesn't seem to have a clear motive."

"Yes. We can trust her," Reiner answered calmly. "She's our friend, Bertholdt. Her motive has always been to help her friends and keep them safe. I believe that would apply in this instance as well. Plus, I bet she's a pretty important person in the walls. Why else would she hide her identity, especially from us? She claims she was raised to become a titan eventually. She could actually be from royalty. It's probable that she may know more about where the Founding and Jaw Titans could be. That's if Eren isn't the coordinate already."

"It's possible," Bertholdt replied, glancing over towards Eren and (Y/N). "If we take her with us, won't they end up killing her."

Reiner stood there in realization and sighed.

"They will want to....But I will do everything in my power to keep her alive," Reiner stated passionately. "I love her. She's the only good thing that's come from this place."

They then heard more smoke rounds and looked over.

"They're close," Bertholdt murmured and then looked down. "Let's bring an end to it. The next time we come here we can find Annie and head back home. That way, we won't have to come here anymore."

"Right and our mission will be over," Reiner stated and then lightly grabbed Bertholdt's shoulder. "But as for you, when we get to our hometown, tell Annie how you feel."

"Huh?" Bertholdt said nervously. "What do you mean?"

"You stare too much," Reiner commented. "Enough to where everyone could tell."

"But I-" Bertholdt began but Reiner cut him off.

"You should go for it. You're both murders with short lives ahead. Who better to understand what we've gone through than one of our own," Reiner suggested. "Plus, I bet (Y/N) could even help you out."

Reiner jumped off of the branch and swung over to (Y/N) and Eren.

1st Person:

I was surprised when Reiner landed on the tree branch and faced towards Eren.

"What's going on, Reiner?" Eren questioned. "Aren't we waiting until nightfall?"

"Nope. We're leaving now," Reiner replied. "Eren. Don't try to resist."

"Come on, don't get violent with me," Eren said to Reiner. "Look at the shape I am in. Does it look like I can resist?"

I knew he was putting up an act in order to catch Reiner off guard. I doubt it'll work, but I won't stop him.

"Please. Gimme a break," Eren spoke and backed away from Reiner.

Here we go. Eren got a running start and raced up to Reiner, bashing him in the face with one of his arm nubs. He had successfully caught him off guard and Reiner fell to the ground. Eren then got on top of him and began to beat Reiner with his nubs, screaming die over and over again.

This angered me. Eren was an idiot. I got up and pulled Eren off of Reiner. I heard maneuvering gear activate and Bertholdt probably landed on the branch as well.

"You idiot. You think you can just beat him up with your pathetic arm nubs," I hissed, trying to stop Eren from struggling.

I wasn't careful enough and he sweeped my good leg out from under me, shoving me away with his stupid nubs. That's when Reiner grabbed a hold of Eren, trying to knock him out. They hadn't seem to notice, but i had lost all sense balance. I hadn't realized how close to the tree edge I was and since Eren shoved me, I fell out of the tree.

I gasped and Bertholdt reached for me, but only our fingertips touched and he didn't get a hold of me. I didn't have maneuvering gear on and there were titans below. I would either fall to my death or be eaten alive.

I wasn't ready to die.

Lil cliffhanger because I'm evil.

Freaking Eren pushed (Y/N) out of the tree. How dare.

Anywayyyy, more chapters to come soon!

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