Ch. 136 - Your Savior is Here

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Willy has taken the stage, applause and flashes bathe him as he stands center with glory. Actors take their places. I stand to the side and wait.

Let the play....begin.

"Let's look back in time.

Roughly 100 years ago, the Eldian Empire ruled the world with the Power of the Titans.

From the Rise of Founder Ymir until today, titans have robbed enough lives to eradicate humanity three times over.

Countless cultures and people have been wiped out by titans; their histories stolen away.

The Eldian Empire's path of slaughter became humanity's history. And when the Eldian Empire ran out of enemies, they soon began to slaughter each other.

The Great Titan War had begun.

Using this to his advantage, one Marleyan sought victory. It was the hero, Helos!

Thanks to his clever manipulations, the Eldian Empire was tricked into killing each other, one by one.

By joining hands with Tybur family, they forced the unbeatable King Fritz to flee and retreat to his island."

"You know the story of Helos is fake," I spoke on the balcony with Willy as I stared at that stupid statue.

"Indeed it is. The king made a deal with the Tybur's and then fled wanting peace."

"However, though he fled to Paradis island, his power still reigned. Tens of millions of titans await on the island to trample the world.

To this day, the only reason we haven't been trampled is merely a fluke. Our scholars have no other explanation.

To eliminate this threat, our motherland Marley sent four Titans to the island, but they were beaten back and only the Armoured Titan returned.

The darkest blot on humanity's history, the Eldian Empire is alive and well."

"Have you heard any strange movement," Magath asks, his squad stationed on a high building across from the outside auditorium.

"Nothing yet sir."

"Now then, the story I've told thus far is merely common knowledge. However the truth is somewhat different.

In passing down the War Hammer Titan, the Tybur family inherited its memories.

I will now reveal the truths we learned for the first time ever.

Some 100 years ago, it was neither Helos nor the Tybur who ended the Great Titan War.

The one who ended the fighting and saved the war was King Fritz."

"He was so tired of fighting. Finally realizing that everyone would die because of it, even his allies..." I explained. "He took whoever he could and fled to the island, letting people believe that Marley had someone save the nation. Wasn't the best, seeing how cruel Marley is to the Eldian race then and even now."

"He did what he thought would be best for him mostly," Willy replied.

"He anguished over the Eldian Empire's viscous history, tired from endless infighting, and above all, he was pained by the endless oppression of Marley.

When he inherited the Founding Titan, he schemed with the Tybur family and they fabricated a Marleyan Hero.

His name: Helos.

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