Ch. 104 - Broken Heart

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It's been a couple weeks since Porco and I technically became a thing. Or...Technically Ada. Yes. They're a thing. We're a thing? I'm not sure. It happened a bit after we hugged a couple weeks ago. Anyway, it's me either way. Right! Right? Right....

We decided not to tell anyone and let the others figure it out at some point. Plus, I kept forgetting for some reason.

I was slowly falling into a pit of feelings I didn't understand. Ada held feelings towards Porco, but not ones I could pinpoint and understand. They were feelings. I still loved Reiner. I just hope he still loved me. I didn't know what was going on.

Porco was starting to flirt more in public with me. It was kinda embarrassing but in a way sweet. I still wasn't sure about him.

It felt Reiner was avoiding me now. I know this because I've tried several times to talk to him, but every time he would just go off somewhere. First ignoring and now straight up avoiding. I was sick of it. What was his deal? Did I do something wrong? I called him out for ignoring me and now it's just gotten worse. I stood in the training yard by myself. I just assumed Porco would meet me here before we headed back to Liberio. I did hear footsteps, but it was a surprise.

"Reiner?" I said as I looked over at him.

"(Y/N)," Reiner greeted as he stood before me, making sure it was me.

"Have you been avoiding me?" I asked curiously.

"In a way...." Reiner murmured guiltily.

"Huh? Why?!" I questioned him angrily.

"I saw you and Porco on the day you kicked me out," Reiner stated.

"Yeah. So," I said getting slightly nervous.

"What're you doing?" Reiner asked as he stared at me.

"What do you mean?" I retorted.

"Are you....and him....together?" He asked.

When he asked that, I stared at him confused for a long while. But soon that lightswitch in my head flipped on and understood what he meant now. I remembered.

"Yes," I replied.

"Why? Why are you doing this to yourself?" Reiner questioned.

"Huh!?" I said. "What's that supposed to mean? You barely even talk to me! You ignore me then avoid! You only check on my when find a single reason to and not because you just want to see me! I thought we were friends. You got me away from that island."

"You said you wanted to go on break for the mission," Reiner commented.

"Wait what..." I muttered to myself. "I dated Reiner. Oh wait. (Y/N) dated Reiner."

I then looked at Reiner and said, "Even on a break you should talk to that person."

"I'm talking to (Y/N) now," Reiner declared and then grabbed my shoulders. "(Y/N) I still love you...."

I was frozen solid by his words. The words that gave me guilt for my choices, but why? I didn't date Reiner.

"(Y/N) loves you," I replied softly. "But I think you don't deserve her as much anymore."

"What? But you're (Y/N)," Reiner said.

"I know that! Don't worry I'm still intact," I mentioned. "But being free from the walls....There's so much more to life."

"Maybe you shouldn't have come with us," Reiner stated and my eyes widened. "I should have you shipped out of here back to the walls."

"No!" I yelled at him. "You don't control me!"

"I'm technically your superior here," Reiner pointed out.

"Well maybe I should've let the scouts have at you then! Maybe I should have just eaten the founding titan so that I would just forget about you," I shouted.

"I wish you had now!" Reiner yelled back.

I was shocked....I was hurt. I was (Y/N) again when Reiner said that. Reiner seemed to finally snap out of it when he noticed tears well up in my eyes.

"(Y/N)...." Reiner murmured and went to touch my cheek.

"No!" I hissed and slapped his hand away. "You don't get to hurt me anymore.....I'm done with you Reiner Braun....You've hurt me. Just go...."

"(Y/N) please," Reiner pleaded.

"Oi! What's going on over here?" Porco called as he walked over.

He stopped when he saw my tears and looked at Reiner angrily.

"What did you do?" Porco accused. "Did you touch her you sick bastard?!"

"What no," Reiner replied backing away.

"What did you do?!" Porco yelled grabbing his shirt.

"Hey! Stop you guys," Pieck called, running over and breaking them apart. "You both need to calm down."

"Well Reiner needs to stay away from my girl," Porco shot back.

"Your girl....So it is true," Reiner commented, turning away and walking off.

I just stood there, watching him walk away. We were done.....I can't even come up with words to describe how devastated I feel. I internalized the awful feelings and just grabbed onto Pieck, hugging her. She was confused, but lightly pat my back when she heard me sniffle.

"He'll regret walking away..." I whispered so only Pieck heard.

"I'm sure he already does already," Pieck murmured.

The day went on and I spent the rest of it with the Warrior Candidates in hopes of feeling better. I did a little, but most of my happiness around them was a facade. My heart felt empty. I felt wrong.

"It's getting late. Time for everyone to head home," I announced and began to walk with them back to the internment zone.

"Ada...Why were you and Reiner having an argument?" Falco asked curiously.

"Because we disagreed on something," I responded. "Weird thing is, I'm not completely sure what it was entirely about. Just bits."

"It didn't seem to end well for either of you though," Falco pointed out.

"No. It didn't," I stated and then pat his head, putting on a smile. "But that's just how it is sometimes."

I parted ways with the children and made my way to my house. I unlocked the door and then heard someone approach me. I looked up to see Porco.

"I figured you could use some company," he spoke, gazing at me.

I stared at him for a long time as thoughts swirled in my head. I lightly nodded.

(Y/N) no longer had control over herself anymore.

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