Ch. 75 - Big Ass Titan

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"I'm sorry everyone..." Eren spoke as he slid to the ground. "I've been nothing but useless. Ever since the very beginning, I was never the hope of humanity."

"What's this? You think you're some kind of tragic hero!" Jean called. "When have you ever accomplished anything by your strength alone?"

"What a weakling," Connie added on. "We've been through much worse than this."

"Not that I want want to get used to it!" Sasha shouted.

"Still, it's going to suck trying to navigate through all of that," Connie stated.

"It's useless....we can't escape," Eren said.

"So just sit here and do nothing?" I yelled. "Thought you were better than that."

"Do you just wanna sit here and hold hands as we all get crushed or burned to death?" Historia shouted.

"You know, I hate doing this to you every time, but...Eren," Levi spoke and looked at him. "You've gotta make the choice."

Eren sat there, thinking about this for a long time.

"Annie, before we die can I tell you something?" I spoke as I gazed at my friend. "Bertholdt loves you!"

"Huh...." Annie said, confused and shocked. "Why are you telling me this now?!"

"Because, we could die at any moment and I've always wondered if you ever held feelings towards him," I stated. "I'm not the only one who cares about you Annie. You deserve to know that."

All the sudden, something came over Eren and he raced towards the transforming titan.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled.

We watched him run and next thing we know, he's transforming. I see his titan form, but he just sat there. Something was different. Crystal like vines emerged around him, beginning to crawl up the cavern walls.

"What the..." Connie muttered.

"Everyone! Get underneath Eren!" Levi commanded.

We nodded and began to race over. We hid underneath Eren as he began to hold up the walls with some new forms of hardening. His titan body was beginning to become full crystal. What could have changed all the sudden for him to get this kind of power?

Afted a couple of minutes, the collapsing officially stopped and they began to try and pull Eren out from his titan. The chipped off parts from the nape and eventually got him out.

"That's what I call hardening," Levi commented. "Even after cutting you away, the titan hasn't disappeared. Pretty impressive, yeah?"

"Right before I turned into a titan, I drank that bottle labeled armor," Eren recalled.

"Yeah. You couldn't do it at all before now, but you used the hardening power," Levi pointed out. "And saved us all. In the blink of an eye you devised and created all of this. The construction looks shoddy, but I bet that's how the walls were made too. In other words, it's possible for us to plug up Wall Maria now. Getting this far hasn't been pretty, but for as ugly as it has been look at where we are now.

"Captain! We've secured an exit!" Sasha called from above.

"Hange is safe! Armin, Moblit, and Ymir made it out too!" Connie added on.

"Well done," Levi responded. "Let's go. We're going after that big ass titan."

We were able to get out safely and once I was out, I looked out and could see the immense steam coming from the titan from afar. My father was truly an idiot.

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