Ch. 2 - They seem Familiar

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Another year had passed and it was time to sign up for the training corps. I was able to sign up and a few days later the carts would come to Trost to escort us to the training grounds. I was currently packing what little things I had. Just a few sets of clothes, personal hygiene items: toothbrush, hairbrush, etc., and a necklace that Tina and Xavier got for me. It was a locket that when you opened it, you could see their names, including Quinn's name, whom is there new baby Tina had. I thought it was sweet and that I'll never take it off. They took care of me after I lost everything, I will always love them as if they were my parents.

I finished packing and walked into the main room. I looked up and saw Xavier, Tina, and Quinn waiting for me. I smiled and went up to hug them. Quinn was only a few months old, so she probably has no idea what's going on.

"I'll write to you. I promise," I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"Everyday?" Tina questioned, currently trying to hold back tears.

"I can't promise that," I stated and chuckled. "I'll do my best though."

"I know you will," Xavier spoke softly and lightly ruffled my hair. "You're going to do great things."

I smiled and then hugged them again before heading outside. Tina cried a goodbye and Xavier just waved. I waved back and headed onward towards the new path I have chosen.

I hopped into the last cart with the rest of the recruits, and we began to exit Trost to the training grounds. Once we arrived, we were given uniforms and directions to our barracks. There was the girls and the boys. I headed to the girl's barracks and looked around. I had noticed a few girls claiming bunks. I chose the last one that was open and began to change into the uniform. I changed into a burgundy colors shirt I had, and pulled on the white pants. I put on the uniform jacket and all the other accessories, along with the boots. I tucked my locket into my shirt and soon heard instruction to fall into rows of thirteen and stand at attention.

Everyone raced out of the barracks and lined up into whatever row that got to first. I noticed someone I recognized, Annie. I decided I could talk with her later, but her statement about being nice to me stuck with me for the past year. So, I won't try to bug her. I stood beside a boy with freckles and a boy with two-toned hair. I felt short next to them and was clearly unhappy.

Our instructor, Keith Shadis stepped out and began to inspect the rows one by one. He began to yell at a few other kids.

"You there! Who are you?"

"Armin Arlert, Sir! From Shiganshina, Sir!" the boy said saluting.

"Yeah? That's a stupid name. Your parents give you that?"

"My grandfather, Sir!"

"Arlert, what are you doing here?"

"Trying to aid humanity's victory!"

"That is indeed wonderful... then you will feed the titans. Row three, about face!" He called and turned the kid, Armin, around, before walking up to another boy. "Who are you?"

"Thomas Wagner, from Trost."

"I can't hear you!"

"Thomas Wagner, from-"

"Too soft! Go practice in the cattle shed! YOU, NEXT!"

"Mina Karolina, from Karanes!"

"WRONG! You are from the pig shed, worth less than cattle."

"Yes, sir! I am less than cattle!"

This continued on for a while. At least I would know some people's names, but would I actually talk to them. He walked past a few kids and didn't talk to them. But he stopped in front of the two-toned hair boy on my left.

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