119 - A Friend

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Keith Shadis gave his speech, introducing the top ten. I glanced around the corner, noticing the placements of some of the people I've met. They really did make top ten, that's amazing.

I then glanced over, noticing a small, petite, blonde girl at the end of the line. My eyes widened. I've seen her before....from memories...

"Now. We have a guest speaker here," Keith spoke up. "If you choose you're path into the interior, you'll most likely work for the Reiss family at some point or another. They thought it to be a good idea for a member of their own family to come and meet with you all in person. Please welcome (Y/n) Reiss."

I took a deep breath and then exhaled before stepping out onto the stage. I stood before everyone and smiled.

"Congratulations to everyone for graduating and even more congratulations for our top ten. I know most of you have your own paths planned out going forward, but I hope many of you decide to work in the interior. I look forward to working with some of you in the future!" I announced.

About a couple minutes later, everyone was celebrating in the messhall. I came down hoping to grab a bite and maybe say a few hellos.

I accidently bumped into someone and looked to see the girl from earlier who made 10th.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Miss Reiss," she immediately said.

"No. It's okay and just call me (Y/n). I prefer to be less formal," I replied with a smile. "What's your name?"

"Christa," she replied and smiled back, being more comfortable now.

"Oi!" Someone called. "Christa!"

"Someone is calling me. It was nice to meet you (Y/n)," Christa spoke and raced off.

"You too...." I replied and watched as Christa ran over to a tall, brunette.

The brunette seemed to bombard her with questions but then gave Christa a hug. Aw....They're so cute.

"What's so great about joining the military police anyway," someone said from beside me and I glanced over a bit surprised.

He had brown hair and teal green eyes.

"Well, you get farther inside the walls and get to help the people, working beside nobles and maybe even one day the King," I responded honestly.

"The military police are the ones who look down on everyone though, including nobles," the boy spoke again. "Why should the best be aloud to hide while the rest of the soldiers risk their lives against titans?"

"Because life is unfair," I replied which he seemed surprised by. "The most equipped and trained along with the rich get to hide away while the poor and soldiers fight for their lives. It's unfair, but there's nothing we can do about it."

"Maybe not us, but you seem knowledgeable enough," he replied. "You could make a change."

"Yeah, like I'll be able to overthrow a king all by myself," I scoffed.

"I'm sure the people would be behind you. Isn't that what really matters," he spoke.

"I guess...." I responded. "Why do you even care?"

"Cause I'm tired of being considered just cattle in this world," he replied.

This person amused me. He seemed to have good intentions behind what he was saying and a look of determination.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

"Eren Jaeger," he answered.

"Please to meet you Eren," I said with a smile. "I'll make sure to remember your name once I take over."

He gave me a smirk and then a nod before walking away.

"He seems.....hard headed," I said to myself.

"Tell me about it."

I jumped in surprise and looked to the side to see Reiner beside me.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you," Reiner apologized as he smiled at me.

He has such a charming smile....I met him earlier today, yet I feel like I've known him before now.

"It's alright. I'm not use to many people approaching me," I responded.

"Do you not go out then?" He questioned.

"No....I usually don't...This is kind of a treat," I told him honestly.

"What about your friends? Don't you hang out with them?" Reiner asked.

"Huh....Oh...I don't have any friends...the only people I hang out with are my siblings," I spoke.

"I'll be your friend then!" Reiner immediately said and I was taken aback.

"Huh...I barely know you," I replied.

"Yeah, but everyone should have a friend. Shouldn't they?" Reiner stated with pleading eyes.

For some reason, I couldn't say no. He was like a giant puppy dog.

"I suppose so," I replied with a sigh. "Our friendship will be difficult since you'll most likely will be busy with military police work."

"You could put a good word in for me or I could be your excuse to go out," Reiner suggested.

" I guess so," I responded.

Reiner smiled happily and then lightly ruffled my hair.

"I'll see you later, friend," he said as he walked off.

I lightly chuckled and spoke, "See ya Reiner."

It's short but it's how I kinda wanted the chapter to end.

Anyway, hello! Attempting to write more. I had some time to myself today and was able to write dis, so I hope you all enjoyed.

Also, thank you for all the support guys. You all are amazing. I'm so appreciative of all of you.

Hoping to get out another chapter soon. Thank you for reading.

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