Ch. 34 - We Ride

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We ran to some trees for cover, just in case any other titans showed up we could use out gear more effectively. Reiner and Armin had gone back to fetch Armin's gear while Jean and I stood there waiting for any of our horse's to return.

The only horse who didn't survive was Armin's and that was unfortunate to watch.

I whistled for Faye and soon enough she came galloping over. Eventually Reiner's horse returned as well. We had two horses and four people. We could make that work except Faye refuses anyone else ride on her. Plus, it's difficult to ride two to a horse since the saddle isn't meant for it. Which could cause complications.

Reiner and Armin returned and I began to bandage up Armin's head as he began to get his gear together.

"How's your ODM gear looking, Armin?" Reiner questioned.

"It's okay," Armin responded. "The clasp released as intended, so it seems it's not broken."

While they chatted, Jean stood there still whistling for his horse. I soon finished wrapping Armin's head.

"How does that feel?" I asked once I finished.

"Much better. Thank you," Armin replied with a nod.

"We should be able to get out of here with two horses," Reiner stated.

"Faye doesn't like other people which makes a complication," I responded, not wanting to force my horse to do anything she didn't want to, but we were in a dire situation.

"We should send up a smoke round and signal anyone nearby," Armin suggested. "If that doesn't work, then we'll have to choose who stays behind."

Jean nodded and then shot up a purple smoke round.

"There. We'll see if anyone actually takes the signal seriously," Jean murmured.

We sat in silence for some time and it was uncomfortable silence. The fact that they might possibly have to choose someone to stay behind made the situation so tense.

"We can wait no longer than three more minutes," Reiner said. "By then we must decide."

"I'll stay!" Armin responded immediately. "But there's something I want you to tell them for me. Preferably to Commander Erwin alone."

"No, Armin," Jean spoke. "You should tell him yourself. Looks like someone is here, and with two horses."

I looked out towards the moving figures and smiled when I saw who it was.

"It's Christa!" I announced happily.

"Is everyone okay?" Christa asked as she rode over to us.

"That's my horse," Jean said and immediately went up to his horse when she stopped in front of us. "Calm down, Buchwald."

"He ran towards me, terrified," Christa commented. "Did you engage some titans? Armin, what happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I feel okay," Armin said as he pulled himself onto a horse.

"One question at a time Christa," I teased as I rode Faye over to her side.

"I can't believe that smoke signal brought you over here," Reiner commented.

"I was nearby and already had Jean's horse," Christa stated.

"Well, you've saved our lives," Reiner responded.

"But I'm so glad that the worse didn't happen to you guys," Christa said as she wiped some tears from her eyes. "I really am glad."

All the men seemed to stop and stare at her for some reason. Yeah, I mean I did stare slightly since she seemed like such a goddess, but I felt kind left out. I looked over and glared at Reiner to snap him out of it.

"We should rejoin the formation as soon as possible now," I stated. "There should hopefully be orders to retreat."

We began to ride back to the formation, the guys up front and Christa and I riding behind.

"To think we've been pushed back less than an hour out of the walls. Thinks are even bleaker than I'd imagined," Jean stated as we rode. "And for some reason, it went in the opposite direction from the vanguard command team."

"It?" Christa questioned curiously, not having been here for the encounter we had.

We then heard smoke rounds and looked over seeing green ones.

"Green rounds?" Jean questioned.

"Looks like they're continuing the operation, only changing course," Armin commented.

"What? That wasn't a retreat command," Christa asked.

"No. Retreat smoke rounds are usually blue," I mentioned.

"What is commander Erwin thinking." Jean exclaimed.

"In theory, any soldier has the authority to determine when mission completion is no longer possible," Reiner stated. "Did command not see our smoke round somehow?"

"Even if we don't know what's going on, there's still only one thing left for us to do," Armin said. "Follow orders."

He then fired up a green smoke round as we continued in our new direction.

We continued to ride for a long time, noticing the amount of black smoke to our left as the titan gets closer and closer towards the center of the formation. She's probably killed so many people by now. Eren's life is not worth all of this bloodshed.

Eventially we came upon the forest of giant trees. Only the center row was aloud to go in, so we began to ride on the side along with some others.

"Hey, what're we doing at this tourist spot," Jean mumbled. "We're totally off from both our original destination and our return point."

"I don't know..." Armin responded. "But the order came from Commander Erwin himself, after all."

"Yeah. Eyebrows himself said so," I commented.

"Eyebrows?" Reiner questioned me.

"What? The man has got some thick eyebrows, okay," I defended. "Don't come at me."

"Commander Erwin must have some form of plan," Armin stated.

"What kind of plan though," Jean muttered. "Are they planning on holding a welcome ceremony for us new recruits at this tourist spot?"

"No. I don't think so," Armin replied.

"It was a joke, Armin. Anyway, the giant woman's following us. No matter what his plan, we can't stay here," Jean warned. "The only thing I can imagine is that we're passing through here on our way to somewhere else."

"Everyone halt!" Someone called.

We all stopped and our superior began to speak.

"Alright. Listen up, recruits!" He said. "We will now make preparations to launch a counterattack! Draw your blades and wait above in the trees. If any titans try to enter the forest, stop them at all cost."

He didn't wait to let us ask questions and immediately shot up into a tree.

"Seriously. What is going on," Jean muttered.

We all made it into the trees and waited, being ready incase any titans appeared. I wasn't pleased at all the standing around and looked over towards Reiner.

"Reiner. Do you think someone we know could be inside that titan?" I asked him to gage his reaction.

He seemed to stiffen and responded, "I have no idea..."

Reiner was acting suspicious, but I can't blame him since this whole thing has put everyone on edge. Now we're playing the waiting game to see what move will be made next.

Here you goooo! Hope you like it!

More is soon to come! Things are gonna get interesting and there will be reveals between characters!!

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