Ch. 56 - Keep You Safe

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We weren't moving. Reiner must have been stuck due to the titan horde. What would happen now?

I unfortunately got the answer as Reiner moved his hand away. I grabbed onto Bertholdt since I didn't have any gear to keep me stable. I could tell he was frightened when Reiner moved his hands away. We were exposed as Reiner began to bash titans away from us. I looked out into the distance and saw the scouts charging towards us.

This fight was far from over.

3rd Person:
(Author Note: I'm so sorry for what's about to happen)

"Advance!" Erwin ordered and swung his arm out.

Next thing you see is a titan biting onto his arm and carrying him away, blood flying everywhere.

"COMMANDER ERWIN!" A soldier screeched.

"Advance!" Erwin yelled again as he was carried off. "They are just ahead! Advance!"

"Do as he says! Keep going!" A soldiered yelled and everyone continued to advance, except for two scouts who went to retrieve their commander.

The scouts charged into the horde and it was nothing but a slaughter. Left and right scouts were being eaten and thrown off of their horses. They were sacrifices at this point, giving up their lives towards an end goal. The titans were relentless. Taking one life after another. Those that got through were lucky.

1st Person:

Mikasa charged towards us, her eyes filled with rage. I clung to Bertholdt as he moved away, avoiding her blow. But, that left her exposed and a titan reached up grabbing her. I could hear her getting crushed and my eyes widened. I knew what that feeling was like and I felt awful for her.

"Mikasa!" Jean yelled. "Let her go!"

"Put her down!" I screamed at the titan and it froze, it's grasp loosening and dropping her.

It...listened. That's right. I could command titans. Jean then took advantage of the situation and slashed out the titan's eyes.

Two scouts raced towards Reiner, but he moved his hand, swatting away their wires making them fall.

"We've come this far already," Bertholdt said. "We're taking Eren home with us. We're going back to our hometown."

"Bertholdt!" Armin called as he landed on Reiner near us.

We stared over at him and I knew he was coming up with a plan. He was thinking of something in order to catch us off guard. I narrowed my eyes. I won't let that happen. He had this crazy look in his eyes once he finally began to speak.

"Are you all okay with this? Leaving behind your comrade and returning home?" Armin asked and my eyes widened.

He was talking about Annie. How dare he!

"You're abandoning Annie," Armin stated. "You know where she's at? Far north, deep underground in the Utopia district being tortured. It was her screams that taught us something. That even with her body's healing, you can never get rid of the pain. They're taking special care to make sure she doesn't die. As we speak, they're not giving her body any rest. They're torturing her anyway they can think of."

"You LIE!" I screamed at him angrily, holding Bertholdt back from attacking.

Armin was taken aback by my reaction.

"You lier! You don't have her! But, if all of this turns out to be true, I will make sure you're given hell for doing such things!" I yelled at Armin.

We had been deceived. It was just a distraction in the end. I only realized it when I saw blood. Erwin had appeared out of no where and slashed through Bertholdt, freeing Eren from him. Bertholdt had been wounded and fell limp, his wire the only think holding him. I had lost my grip on him and the blood from his wounds didn't help.

I fell and I knew neither of them could save me. I was going to take matters into my own hands. I went to bite my hand when someone grabbed me.

"Wait! Let me go!" I yelled.

"No way in hell!"

I knew that voice.

"Ymir!" I said joyfully and hugged her.

She flew away from the titan horde and Reiner, landed back onto her horse. She put me in front of her and began to ride off. My guess, there was no way she was letting me out of her sight.

"All soldiers retreat!" Erwin commanded.

As we began to ride away, I could hear Reiner's titan scream. I couldn't just leave them. They'll die out here.

"Ymir! I need to help them!" I cried out.

"No way! I'm not letting you give up your life because of them!" Ymir responded angrily. "I care about you (Y/N). You know Historia is who I am aimed to protect, but you're my friend too. You accepted me for who I am and have been my ally. I'm not letting you throw your life away over them."

I was defeated. I smiled slightly at the fact that she admitted to actually caring about me. But, the next thing we knew, a titan was thrown over our heads, landing at the front of the formation.

"Damn that Reiner! He's throwing titans like a madman!" Jean yelled.

Reiner then tossed another one, knocking a bunch of soldiers off of their horses. My eyes widened. He was willing to go to such lengths just to stop them from taking us away. Maybe he was hoping one of the titans would eat Eren. But....what about me?

Titans were beginning to chase after scouts and eating more of them. So many more deaths....

I looked over and saw a Garrison soldier fighting off a titan that had gone over Mikasa and Eren. That titan....had the most terrifying smile. I looked away and then noticed Historia ride over toward us.

"(Y/N)! You're okay!" Historia said.

She looked so grateful to see me. She's so kind.

"(Y/N)....when did you know..." Historia began. "That we were sisters."

I looked towards her and smiled, replying, "Ymir told me that you were an important of the church. That you were holding a fake name and something sparked in me. I had known I had another sibling, but my father never told any of us. Only two of us knew and I had only remember then. It was before Trost was attacked."

"All this time....And you didn't tell me," Historia responded.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted you to he safe," I stated. "I was thought to be dead for the longest time and I was afraid of what may happen if people knew of my existence, but that was all thrown out the window recently. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Historia."

Historia just stared at me and smiled. "I'm just glad, that you're safe and that I have a sister."

This girl, she was so kind. How did this world deserve her?!

"Watch out!" Connie yelled as a titan was tossed near us.

Ymir pulled back on the reins, moving away from the titan. She then jumped off and flew off towards the titan.

"Stay away from them!" She yelled and slashed through the titans neck.

The titan fell to the ground and she flew back to her horse, landing behind me.

"I'm going to keep you safe till we get back to the walls," Ymir said and then looked over towards Historia. "Both of us will."

Bert baby needs more love! Give him some love pls. I'm doing all I can rn.

Also, (Y/N) just going off when Armin mentions Annie. He ain't aloud to say those things about her girlfriend.

Anyway, I love Ymir and Historia in this chapter. They care about (Y/N) and I heart!

Historia and Ymir is one of the best relationships ever. Not gonna lie.

Well, things are getting chaotic! More to come!

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