Ch. 39 - A Horrific Event

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It began to pour as I rode back towards the scouting headquarters. Visability was awful and Faye was doing her best not to slip in mud. It was thundering and I worried I wouldn't be able to make it back in time.

I decided to ride through a patch of forest for awhile to try and avoid most of the rain, but it was coming down hard. I slowed down Faye's pace so that she could rest for awhile before we started booking it more.

I didn't like slowing down right now. I was anxious and I had this horrible feeling in the back of my mind. Something wasn't right. Was it guilt, was it my current situation, was I just anxious. I didn't know where this feeling was coming from, but I couldn't stand still any longer.

I began to have Faye canter again, riding as fast as we could. I thought I saw movement in the woods at one point, but ignored it. I just needed to focus on getting back. Everything is fine. It's just rain and there's probably animals in the woods.

While deep in my thought, a sudden bang of thunder sounded above me and something shot me back. I was thrown off of Faye, but Faye wasn't the culprit. She ended up running away totally terrified. I was stranded.....and also in terrible pain. I reached down my side and winced as I felt something oddly familiar.

I lifted up my hand to see the sight of blood as lightning crackled above me. My eyes widened. I had been shot, but by whom. My gear clasp had come undone when I fell off the horse, so my gear was scattered everywhere. I pushed myself up and began to put it together again. The pain seemed to increase the more I moved and I'm guessing the rain wasn't the only thing dripping off my body.

I had to get my gear together or I would be stuck out here. I wasn't ready to die. Who even shot me? They could be closer than I think and I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here!

I put everything together, but before I could put it on I heard the sound of gun fire again. Searing pain went down my back and I just flopped down on the muddy ground. It hurt. Everything hurt. I felt paralyzed. I was paralyzed and it wasn't just from fear. I couldn't move and was totally frozen.

I could make out the sound of footsteps as I soon saw a looming figure above me.

"You're a scout huh," they said. "You seem young and healthy. You'll do."

"W-What?!" I shrieked.

I was so confused and scared.

I was going to die now....I'm not ready.....

I needed to get back to my friends. I needed to make sure Annie would escape. I wanted to make sure Christa and Ymir would be safe. I wanted to at least see Reiner one last time.

"Don't worry. You'll live. Those wounds will heal soon enough," they murmured and threw down their gun.

He kneeled down and I got a better look at him. He seemed to be a man in his thirties. He had brown hair and I couldn't really make out his eye color at this time of night. He took something out of his pocket and held it out in front of me. It was a family portrait on a small piece of paper.

"Take a good look," he said. "All of those people are dead now. Wanna know why?"

I didn't respond, still confused and horrified.

"It's cause our ancestor was a traitor," he explained. "Long ago he ran away from Marley. The stories say he lived in Liberio. This place is long beyond the walls, far away."

"Marley...." I muttered so confused.

"He held a power he stole that no one knew even existed. Not even the king himself from the old days before the walls," he continued. "No one to this day still doesn't know it exists, or so I thought. Why else would these titans be getting through the walls. They would have to be after it. They would have to be here to take it back to their  wretched lands. My times already almost up and I don't have the will to live any longer."

"What!?" I exclaimed and then he tucked the portrait into my pocket.

"Keep that to remember all you've heard," he said and pulled out a small box.

When he opened it he pulled out a syringe and that when the fear finally set it. It all made sense now, in a way. He had the power of the titan but was paranoid to keep it any longer, willing to throw his life away. He believe they're after him and now he's going to give it to me since there's no one left in his family.

"You'll be unstoppable with this power," he said and then plunged the syringe into my arm.

"No! I don't want this! I never wanted this! What have you done!?" I screamed as I felt electricity flow through my body.

"Finally....time is up," he murmured. "You're the Speed titan now."

I blacked out after hearing that.


As I was thrown into the black abyss, a titan with long flowing hair and giant ears, stood in front of me. I looked up at her with sad look and she reached her hand out like an old friend. I hesitated, but slowly reached out and took it.


Suddenly, I woke up to it still raining. I sat up and realized I was no longer paralyzed. I checked my body and didn't feel any bullet wounds. There was no blood on me anymore, but the scene around me wasn't right.

I saw torn clothes and blood scattered across the ground along with a lone rifle. I looked over seeing my gear was still there.

What happened? Why couldn't I think straight?

I felt something in my pocket and reached down. I pulled out what appeared to be a picture. I unfolded it and all of the recent memories flowed back. He's taken away my freedom to live a long life. He didn't even give me a choice. I never wanted this even though I was fated to have a titan power at one point. But I didn't want it. My choice was taken from me.

I was a titan now.....I was a titan now....I was...

I screamed over the sound of thunder in the storm above me. I screeched so loud birds flew away in panic from it. I was in pain. I didn't want this....

I didn't want this....

I'm uh....not okay after writing this.

Welp. Hope this was a surprise.

She be a titan now.


More chapters soon!

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