Ch. 44 - War Zone

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In just seconds. Utgard castle became a totally hell hole. The four scouts who were with us immediately took action and began to take out the titans below.

"I would drinking right now if it wasn't for you!" Gelgar yelled as he slashed through a titan's hand.

Nanaba then took it out and it fell on top of some smaller titans.

I was paying attention closely as all of this happened. I was trying to control my breathing at this point. Bertholdt is suspicious of me...I would tell them but I'm afraid if I do then they would try and kill me, or even feed me to some titan.

How could I be thinking these things about my friend?! I've known them since we were recruits. Years of time and we got along so well. Bertholdt is shy and kind, but I know he has this fire inside of him. And Reiner....He's...

I blushed as I thought about him and shook my head. Not in a time like this.

Soon a scout was in front of us, seeming panicked.

"The titans broke through!" She yelled. "Get back down and form some sort of barricade. If you can't block them, run back up here as a final resort."

"Got it!" We replied and began to head downstairs.

Reiner grabbed a torch and was the fastest down.

"I'll go see how far they've come through. You guys grab boards or rods or whatever," he called back running way ahead. "Bring everything you can carry."

"Reiner wait!" I called as I ran with the others.

"Wait up Reiner! Hold on!" Bertholdt called, but hee had already disappeared behind the door.

"Who does he think he is, always taking the most dangerous job," Connie commented. "Come on man."

"Yeah. That's a bad habit of his," Bertholdt replied.

We began to search for anything we could find. We found wooden poles and small mallets. Bertholdt had grabbed a pitch fork and went to go help Reiner. Ymir and I found an empty cannon and began to drag it over to the door. We got it there with some help from Christa and Connie and saw Reiner and Bertholdt trying to hold back a titan.

"Reiner! Bertholdt!" Ymir called down to them.

"That's you have powder or a cannonball?" Reiner questioned.

"Hell no! You'll just have to take the whole think!" Ymir retorted. "Now get away!"

We all then shoved it down the stairs. Reiner and Bertholdt jumped out of the way and the cannon rammed into the titan, who was now stuck.

"Reiner! Bertholdt!" I yelled as I raced down the stairs. "Are you two okay?"

The others walked down a ways and Connie was nearby me.

"We're okay," Bertholdt responded.

"Looks like that worked out miraculously," Ymir commented.

"Yeah. It's not getting up from that anytime soon," Reiner stated.

"Now all we have for weapons is this knife," Connie mentioned and I glanced over noticing the small knife in his hands. "Should I try to cut off its nape."

"No. You'll get hurt if it grabs you," Reiner responded firmly.

"For now, let's head back upstairs," Christa suggested and began to head back up. "There could be more than just one that got through."

As Connie and I began to head for the stairs, when I heard Christa say that I turned around and saw a second titan. As I noticed it go to bite Connie and I.

I panicked and pushed Connie to the side.......and did something insane.

"STOP!" I screamed at the titan and it faltered.

I stared wide eyed and so did the others. But it didn't last long as it then jumped out of no where. I thought I was done for and then Reiner jumped in the way.

"Reiner!" I yelled as it bit his arm.

I could hear the bones breaking in his arm as the titans teeth crushed through it. Reiner then picked it up and headed towards the window.

"Uh...Reiner....Don't tell me you're going to jump out the window with that thing," Connie said in shock.

"I've got no other choice!" Reiner retorted.

"Reiner, no!" I argued, but Bertholdt held me back.

I looked up at him and seemed so off.

"Bertholdt?" I asked worriedly.

"Wait! If I can slice open it's jaw," Connie muttered as he stuck the knife into the titan and successfully unstuck Reiner. "You're free."

Ymir then kicked the titan out the window and it was no longer our problem.

"We need to get back upstairs," Ymir said firmly and we all began to head up.

I tugged on Bertholdt sleeve since he seemed frozen and led him back upstairs. Ymir and Connie then for to work barricading the final door as I began to treat Reiner's wound. I opened the bottle of alcohol and poured the contents onto his wound, causing him to wince.

"Sorry. But it will help," I responded. "I don't have anything for a sling though...."

"Here," Christa volunteered and ripped part of her skirt off.

Luckily, Reiner didn't seem bothered by it and kept his focus on me.

I nodded and took the cloth from her and began to wrap it around Reiner's arm. Why was I helping....He's a shifter isn't should be healing. But, he must be suppressing it since he doesn't want to get caught. I finished wrapping his arm and making a sling, making sure his arm was secure.

"(Y/N)....Back there with the titan...what was that..." Connie asked out of no where. "You pushed me out of the way, but kept yourself in harms way....but for a second it stopped. How....How did you do that?"

I glanced around nervously, seeing weird looked from Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir, but she looked like she was ready to murder someone if things went south for me.

"I...I don't know," I responded and stood up. "I guess...I was just lucky...."

"Oh...." Connie replied and there was an awkward silence, before he moved on. "Reiner. You're always saving our asses at this point. Bertholdt. Has he always like this?"

"No...In the past, Reiner was more of a warrior," Bertholdt responded and looked at Reiner. "Unlike now."

"What's that mean?" Reiner asked. "What do you mean by warrior?"

"For now, let's try and gather anything useful we can find," Ymir announced.

Next thing I heard was a far away whistle and then a crash from outside. Then I heard it again and the tower seemed to shake as if impacted by something.

Oh no....

Updated! Ayyyye!

You ensured Connie's safety but at what cost.

Bert is very sus of (Y/N).

Anyway, more chapters to come soon.

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