Ch. 59 - Questioning

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Historia had finally come back with food trays for all three of us. Although, she almost dropped them when she noticed I was actually awake. She made sure to set them down before enveloping me into a large hug. I smiled and hugged her back, happily.

"I hope you got enough rest. You've been sleeping for such a long time you know," Historia commented. "Did you dream of anything?"

I thought for a moment. Did I? As I thought more about it, flashes of different titans swarmed into my head. I immediately stopped trying to remember my dreams and simply shook my head.

"No. It was like closing my eyes and then opening them back up suddenly," I replied and then pulled my food tray onto my lap. "How did you convince them not to throw me in jail?"

"You're an asset to humanities survival. You know so much they don't and you possess the power of a titan they don't understand. They clearly want all this information and I convinced them they would never get it if they lock you up in some cell," she responded.

"That's my smart Historia," Ymir stated with a smile.

We soon heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" Ymir asked from across the room.

"Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Eren," Armin called from the other side of the door.

Ymir looked to me for permission and I nodded in response.

"Alright. Come in," Ymir spoke before going back to eating her lunch.

They opened the door and immediately looked towards me when they entered. I wasn't surprised. I was the weirdo who all sudden had a titan power and used it, then proceeded to get kidnapped. Oh wait, that sounds like someone else too.

"How are you feeling?" Armin asked and they walked closer to where I sat.

"Good. I've been resting for quite some time," I simply responded. "I know you have questions, so just ask. I promise to answer truthfully and cooperate."

"Do you know where Annie is?" Armin began.


"Will you tell us?"


"Are the walls really made out of hardened titans?"


"What's your titan?"

"Speed Titan."

"Did you know about Ymir?"


"Are you wanting to help humanity?"


"Are you wanting to help Reiner and Bertholdt?"


"How can you want to help both?! There is no possible in between," Eren interrupted Armin's questioning.

"Yes there is," I responded and Eren seemed surprised. "I just haven't gotten to where I can make the in-between possible. Now, continue your questions."

"How did Eren control the titans?"

"Because he has the Founding Titan powers."

"How did he get it?"

"His father ate my sister..."

"Your sister...." Armin murmured. "Why did your sister have it?"

"No comment."

"How can you control titans?"

"Different way than Eren can."

"What did Annie mean by 'The Queen pardoned me herself'?"

"No comment."

"Why do you trust Reiner and Bertholdt still?"

"Armin...We've known them for three years and as soon as you found out their secrets you became hostile. You didn't ask for an explanation or to understand why they did it. You knew and then just attacked," I responded strongly. "You all believe they had a choice...I believe differently."

"Why the hell do you trust them?!" Eren hissed, basically repeating Armin's question again not satisfied with my answer.

"Remember Eren. I don't judge a book by it's cover," I stated, recalling what I said to him a couple of days ago. "You should heed more of my advice to be honest and here's some more advice. Don't fucking push me out of a tree again."

Ymir chuckled at what I said and Historia seemed a little scared.

"You seem to threaten people more now a days, (Y/N)," Jean commented. "Armin even said you were ready to come after him if those things he said about Annie were true."

"Thankfully they're not," I replied.

"How did you know Annie wasn't trapped?" Armin asked.

"That's my own business," I responded and then sighed, rethinking of what to say. "I already answered the question of 'Do you know where she is?' Which means you can probably figure it out on your own and possibly already know the answer?"

"You're the one who told her the plan," Armin said. "Why did you do it?"

"She's my friend, Armin. For all I knew you all would lock her up and torture her," I explained. "And you can't call me out, Mikasa was and is prepared to murder people in order to keep Eren safe. At least with my way, I ensured people didn't die in Stohess. Because if Annie and Eren fought, many would have died that day and they didn't. So I think I deserve more credit and respect than you all are giving me."

"You act as if you're superior to us," Mikasa stated.

I shrugged and replied, "Maybe I am, but I'm just the one who thinks things through and knows more than I should."

"(Y/N). Why did you tell the titan to let me go?" Mikasa questioned.

"Because no one deserves to be eaten. I would rather not watch someone I've known for years die right before my eyes," I stated. "I care about you all more than you think. You are my comrades and I even consider you all friends. I want to keep everyone I care about safe. Which is what I did for Reiner and Bertholdt. I still respect every single one of you. I hope you all don't look down on me just because of the choices I made to save my friends."

"(Y/N).." Historia murmured and lightly put a hand on my shoulder.

"I wish we could go back to the old days where I could continue to play soldier and not think about my nobility. Being thought dead was kinda nice. I had a form of freedom," I said and smiled. "I remember when I used Jean as a training dummy to try and teach Sasha some moves. I remember watching Mikasa destroy fake titans flawlessly. I even enjoyed watching Armin encourage your goals Eren, because he was your friend and he believed in you. I bet he still believes in you. I hold admiration for all of you. I hope you can trust me again soon."

After that, they seemed satisfied with what information they were given and left. I sighed and looked outside to see that it was sunset. I need to come up with a plan to escape soon. Just for the night.

Here's an update! Yay!

Not much happened in it, but we did have some questioning and information thrown around.

I promise to have more chapters or at least another chapter later!

Thanks for reading!

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