Ch. 103 - Caring Warriors

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/Author's Note: I'm releasing this chapter very early which means you guys won't get another one for awhile. If you haven't checked my conversation message board thing. It explains everything. Also, this chapter might help\

I woke up in the bed and lightly rubbed my eyes. I sat up, stretching out my arms and yawning. As I sat there, reality hit me like a truck as flashes of last night appeared in my head. If it hadn't been for Porco...I don't know what would've happened to me last night.

Oh wait. That's right...Porco and I....Kissed.

I lightly put my hand up to my lips and my eyes widened. I kissed him! It wasn't the other way around, I'm the one who did this.

Something seemed to click in my brain and all the sudden....I felt so guilty. What would Reiner think.... He barely makes an effort to talk with me anyway. My brain hurt from all the thoughts I was processing right now and when I finally decided on taking a sick day my brain immediately went back to Warrior mode.

That meant no going to headquarters, no working, and no Warriors. That kinda made me sad since I love seeing the Warrior Candidates. I sighed and then pulled myself out of bed. I put on a simple long sleeve white shirt and some black slacks before heading downstairs. Once there, I noticed my torn pants and jacket. I needed to stitch those up.

I made myself some tea and then sat down on the couch beginning to stitch up my clothes. They eventually were good as new and I smiled triumphantly. Rest of the time I kinda just sat there, cuddled up in a blanket as I sipped my tea. I wondered how everyone was doing.

Afternoon rolled around I was still kinda just chilling. I was reading my book when I heard a knock at the door. I set down my book and tossed my blanket to the side as I made my way to the door. I opened it and came face to face with Reiner.

"Reiner," I spoke confused as to why he was here.

Then all the sudden I was attacked by four small children. I stumbled back and regained my senses as I looked down at them. They began to ramble off questions.

"Why weren't you at headquarters?!" Gabi asked.

"Are you okay?" Falco asked worriedly.

"Galliard said you had a scare last night," Udo commented. "What happened?"

"We missed you," Zofia said.

All of them just stared up at me with big doe eyes and I just giggled in amusement.

"You guys missed me and it's hasn't even been a day," I stated and chuckled.

"They really care about you," Pieck informed me as her and Reiner entered the house, closing the door behind her.

I smiled and then kneeled down giving them all a hug.

"I'm glad you guys came to see me," I said softly and then stood back up. "And yeah...I had a scare last night, but we're not going to talk about it."

They stayed for a couple of minutes, but of course they had to go back to training.

"Say bye to Ada. It's time to go," Pieck announced, motioning to the door.

They waved bye to me and all of them left with Pieck. It was then just Reiner and I, standing in my living room.

"What happened last night," Reiner asked as he stared at me.

"I don't wanna relive it please..." I murmured.

"Pock refused to tell me anything," Reiner stated.

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