Ch.4 - A Watery Fate

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We all got our belts and were set into groups for when we would test our balance. I was lifted up along with Bertholdt, Annie, Samuel, Marco. We all had good balance and passed. The next group was a bit shaky at first. It was Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Jean, and Eren. Mikasa was a natural and the rest got the hang of it. Eren...... Eren fell.

The instructor yelled at him and told him he had to retry tomorrow. If he couldn't do it. Then he's out. I think this is karma for talking big game on our first day. I decided my presence wasn't needed here anymore and headed back to the barracks.

I changed into my normal clothes and sat on the barracks until dinner was ready. I then made my way to the dining hall and went to grab a tray of food. I noticed the kid, Eren, had a bandage over his head. He probably had tried to do some extra practice after the failure in front of everyone.

I headed over and sat diagonal from Annie again, beginning to eat my dinner in peace. I was pleased to have no real commotion today at dinner. The bell soon rang and I went on my way to sleep on my bunk in the barracks.

The next morning we got to watch the people who needed to retry. To our surprise, Eren was able to stay up for a while..... but eventually fell again. But the instructor seemed suspicious and had him switch belts with Thomas. Eren was able to balance immensely better once he had the new belt. Apparently someone had tampered with his.

"Well, will you look at that. He had it in him all along," Reiner commented from beside him.

"I guess so," I replied.

Eventually everyone was dismissed and had the rest of the day off. I was just going to go back to the barracks when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey (Y/N)," Christa called as she ran up to me smiling. "Some of the girls are going to go check out the lake. Want to come?"

"Um. Sure, why not," I replied.


She then ran off to go talk to Sasha.

"I didn't think you had any friends," Annie said as she walked up to me.

"I don't. At least I don't think so," I stated. "It's not like you're one to talk."

"Fair point," she uttered and then Ymir walked over.

"You coming too, Annie?" Ymir asked.

"Where exactly am I going?" She inquired.

"To the lake. Christa came up with the thought to get us girls to bond," Ymir mentioned and glanced around. "I honestly don't understand that girl's head."

"I don't think anyone does," I commented and lightly shrugged.

"You seem very keen on getting to know her," Ymir stated and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yeah. So, I'm curious," I replied. "She seemed familiar to me."

"I see," Ymir muttered. "But just know she's my Christa, so don't get any ideas."

And with that, Ymir walked away to most likely find Christa.

"Interesting conversation," Annie mumbled.

I nodded and then asked, "Want to head to the lake?"

"I've got nothing better to do," Annie stated and we began to walk in the direction of the lake.

"Oi! Annie!" Reiner called from afar.

We both turned around and Annie narrowed her eyes at Reiner.

"Where are you two off to," Reiner questioned.

"The girls are going to check out the lake," I responded. "We're all meeting there."

"Cool. Would you mind if the boys join in?" Reiner asked, smiling.

"I think if you showed up, your asses would be beat by Ymir," Annie said and then smirked. "Or maybe even (Y/N)."

Reiner narrowed his eyes and then turned away, stalking off.

"What's his deal," I asked.

"He's getting caught up in a fake reality," Annie replied and then we continued forward toward the lake.

"Interesting," I commented as we walked.

We reached the lake and soon spotted Mina, Sasha, Ymir, Christa, and Mikasa. I wonder how they convinced her. It always seems like she's with Armin and Eren.

"You both actually showed up," Ymir inquired and smirked at us.

Annie and I shrugged.

"So, we're out here now," I stated. "What's the plan?"

"I just thought we could all use some girl bonding time," Christa announced, smiling brightly.

"That's my Christa. Always thinking about others," Ymir said hugging her.

"Ymir...." Christa said and lightly pushed her away.

"Alright. Let's start then," Annie said as we joined the group.

We walked around the lake more towards the cliffs, chatting for a while when we heard rustling from the woods. All of us looked up, clearly suspicious of what it could be.

"I would get ready to break some kneecaps if I were you guys," Annie stated.

All of a sudden, all of the boys jumped down from the trees and attacked. The group consisted of Jean, Connie, Bertholdt, Reiner, Thomas, Samuel, Eren, and a few others you didn't recognize. Armin and Marco were to the side protesting against what was about to happen. Which is what is currently happening.


The boys began to try to apprehend the girls, and toss them off the cliff and into the lake. Hence the word cliff-diving being shouted. Sasha and Mina were already overtaken and tossed in by Thomas and Connie, who followed suit. Eren went after Mikasa, but tripped, falling off himself, ending up in the water so Mikasa went after him. Ymir was protecting Christa and Annie glared at anyone who came near her.

That left me standing there, face to face with Bertholdt.

"I'm sorry about what's about to happen," Bertholdt apologized, clearly nervous.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I unfortunately was given my answer immediately when I felt someone pick me up. I panicked and looked over, seeing Reiner was the one who apprehended me. He headed to the edge, about to toss me over and that's when I dropped my cool. My family had never taught me how to swim.....

"Wait! Reiner! I can't-"

It was too late and I was tossed off the edge. My eyes widened and I went rigid from shock. Soon I hit the water. I began to try and claw my way back to the surface, but my efforts didn't seem to be working. I eventually saw a shadow above me and that's when my eyes closed.

I'm evil. Sorry

Girl From Royalty Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora