Extra 2: The Importance of Family

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A soft knock was heard on the outside of a door.

"Go away..."

"That's no way to greet you father," the voice spoke on the other side. "Seraphina, may I come in please?"

"I guess...." the young girl replied.

With that, the doorknob turned as the tall blonde man walked in. He smiled over at his daughter and moved over, sitting on the bed across from you.

Reiner was met with silence. He gazed at his daughter, making sure to run through everything he was going to say in his head. He wanted to get it right and be a good father.

"Are you going to yell at me?" Seraphina questioned as she hugged a pillow to her chest.

"Of course not. Why would you think that?" Reiner asked her, wanting to know why she thinks he's mad.

"Because I yelled at mommy and said some mean things," Seraphina admitted. "I know you love mommy a lot.....So I figured you would yell at me."

Reiner sighed and then moved to sit beside her, wrapping around his daughter and pulling her close to him.

"I'm not going to yell at you," Reiner told her. "But, what you said to your mother wasn't acceptable...."

Seraphina hung her head in shame and hugged her pillow tighter.

"I know I'm not home a lot....But I do it because I love you guys," Reiner tried to explain.

"But, if you love us, why don't you stay?" Seraphina questioned.

Reiner sighed and ran a hand through his hair as the other held his daughter close.

"I want to be able to give you guys the best life you can," he replied with a smile. "Your mother is a very important person, but we wanted to make sure you all could have a normal childhood. We're able to stay out here in our nice cabin with our stables and small farm because I make the sacrifice to leave and work. I help several people with issues along with running errands for your mother."

"Yeah...Cause mum is a Queen," Seraphina muttered. "I get it now....I think. You work so we can be happy."

Reiner nodded with a smile and then lightly booped her nose while saying, "And with your mother as queen, that makes you a Princess."

Seraphina nodded and smiled a bit.

"Princess's are important too. They have to help take care of their siblings and watch over the Queen while her husband is away," Reiner mentioned.

"Does marrying mummy make you King?" Seraphina asked curiously as she began to rub her eyes, tiredness beginning to set in.

"No. I get to be something greater," Reiner spoke as he began to help tuck her in.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"Your father," he replied smiling before her kissed the top of her head.

She smiled up at him and snuggled into her blankets as he helped her settle in for bed.

"Can you tell mummy I'm sorry....I'm glad she's here," Seraphina murmured tiredly. "And I'm sorry too dad...."

Reiner smiled and nodded.

"Your mother and I love you very much," he told her before kissing Seraphina's forehead and standing up.

He glanced over at the door and saw Frieda walk in, beginning to settle into her bed on the other side of the room. He went over and sat on the edge of her bed.

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