Ch.9 - Out of the Clink

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I was finally free from the infirmary. Finally! I was so happy when the nurse undid the bandages and I could walk around without crutches. I thanked her, even though I didn't really like her, and raced out of the room to the dining hall.

I grabbed my food and looked around. There weren't many people there, so I just took a seat wherever.

As I began to eat, I felt a presence in front of me. They were silent, so I assumed it was Annie. I then felt someone attack me in a hug. Christa.

"(Y/N)! I missed you!" She announced and smiled.

"You visited me two days ago," I commented and chuckled, pulling away from her hug.

"Well. Well. (Y/N) has finally made it out of solitude," Ymir said and ruffled my hair.

I huffed and then fixed my hair before going back to eating. Soon Connie and Sasha joined us and Annie didn't look pleased, but she dealt with it.

"Looks like (Y/N) is out of the clink," Connie inquired.

"Infirmary dumbass," Sasha said and huffed.

"Good Sasha," I teased and then threw her my bread, which she caught with her mouth and immediately began to eat.

I soon felt eyes on my back, and turned around to see Bertholdt and Reiner looking over at our table. When they saw they were caught, they immediately looked away. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating what was left of my food.

Today was more hand to hand, but we were playing parts. One was the thief with the knife, and the other plays the soldier who was suppose to stop them. Ymir and I were paired up. As we walked towards our spot she began to make conversation.

"So, I got some interesting information on Braun if you wanna hear," Ymir stated and twirled the wooden knife in her hand.

"If you want to spill, go for it," I said as I stood across from her.

"He thinks you're unique," she revealed and then came at me with the knife.

I caught her arm, but she played dirty and tripped my leg, making me fall. She kept trying to get at me with the knife, but I kept my grip strong, not wanting to lose.

"He says you're strong," she said and then I flipped her over, stealing the knife winning the exercise.

Once she got back up, I came at her with the knife since we switched roles.

"He respects you as a person," she continued and grabbed my arm, moving behind me.

She pull me close to her, and held my arm to where she was pushing the knife towards my neck. She smirked and then moved her face to where her chin rested on my shoulder.

"And he cares about you," she whispered.

When she said that I lost concentration, and was thrown to the ground. I sighed, mad at myself, but now so confused. As the days continued, I kept feeling worse about never accepting Reiner's apology.

"You alright?" Ymir asked and held a hand out to me.

"Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind now," I replied and grabbed her hand, standing back up. "What was even the point of that?"

"Trying to help prove a point," Ymir stated.

We then looked over and saw Annie take down both Eren and Reiner. I chuckled a bit in amusement on how they ended up. It's been almost a month since the incident and I still refused to forgive him. Maybe, I should reconsider. But would accepting his apology just fill his ego and make him try to pull off more stunts? I sighed as I was deep in though, but then went back to fighting Ymir to get my mind off of it.

After training, the instructor announced we would be testing out ODM gear tomorrow. I was excited, because it was something new that I wanted to experience.

I headed to the dining hall and finally realized. Ymir is trying to help Christa. Since Christa wants me to apologize, that's probably why Ymir is doing all of this. I guess that makes sense.

I grabbed my tray and sat down, soon having Connie and Sasha on both of my sides. What surprised me was that Jean and Marco joined us. I guess it's because of Connie and Sasha. Annie is probably going to choose a different table to eat dinner at.

"So, (Y/N). We saw you doing the exercise and we thought your moves were so cool," Marco commented and smiled.

Oh no. He is an angel. I could do nothing but smile back.

"Thank you. My older brother taught me since I didn't get out much," I replied as I began to eat my dinner. 

"How come you didn't go out much?" Jean questioned, clearly curious.

"Strict parents," I replied, trying to think of a convincing explanation. "They were more worried about us wandering off and decided to make sure we only focused on our education."

"Were you rich?" Jean asked rudely.

"Jean! That isn't something you just ask people," Marco scolded.

"I mean, we had enough money," I stated. "So, we were fine."

"What's with you and Christa?" Connie asked suddenly. "You two seem close, but not as close as her and Ymir."

"Why? Jealous?" I teased to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Huh?" Connie replied confused.

"I'm kidding. I see Christa as a sister. She's really nice," I said as I continued to eat.

"You're also such a badass! You should totally teach me some moves," Sasha suggested, smiling.

"Sure. Maybe another day since tomorrow is ODM gear training," I responded, matching her smile.

"Finally. Something I can school everyone at," Jean declared, clearly cocky.

"You seem so sure of yourself," I commented.

"Jean is always like this. He thinks that he's better than everyone," Connie stated with a smirk.

"Well," Jean said, not really knowing how to respond. "Then get to my level shortie."

I rolled my eyes as they all began to argue. The arguing eventually died down and we all headed to the barracks. I lied down in my and snuggled with my pillow. Finally, ODM gear training tomorrow. 

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