Ch. 89 - Why Does He Care??

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Tomorrow was the day we were finally having the meeting about Marley. We were going to finalize a plan and figure out a way we can take them down. Of course, these things take time and it might even take years. I was fine with that, as long as I am able to help my friends and my people.

Zeke has been more friendly towards me recently, ever since we talked in the library. I still didn't really trust him, but he seemed willing to go along with my plans now. I'll just take it as a win.

I've been able to visit Faye more often at the barn. We've been working really hard at the orphanage and a lot of the scouts have been volunteering as well. I enjoyed meeting the kids. They were very troublesome and it was always fun to watch Ymir and Historia chase after them.

Quinn enjoys it here as well. Tina and Xavier love coming by to help and Quinn has made so many friends. I'm just so happy. I wish everyday would be like these wholesome moments.

I currently was grooming Faye. Most of the Warriors were out doing experiments or assisting with creating weaponry. Recently they made something called a thunderspear, which does a lot of damage on titans.

I heard the barn door open but figured someone was just looking for supplies. I finished grooming Faye and pet her side.

"There you go. Nice and clean," I stated and walked out of her stall, closing it.

I then turned around and face planted into someone chest. I immediately back up and they grabbed my shoulders, I guess assuming might fall. After I finally collected myself, I looked up to see Eren.

"Oh. Hi Eren," I greeted with a smile. "What can I help you with?"

"Well, it's my day off and I figured I could help out in the barn," Eren replied as he gazed at me.

"Umm....I'm mostly finished with everything in here today..." I stated. "You could help Historia organize some things if you really want to."

"Ah...I kinda just wanted to help you," Eren responded.

Something felt off with him, like he was acting a bit different. Maybe he was stressed from all of the training he's been doing.

"Have you been doing okay?" I asked curiously. "Titan training must be pretty hard."

"Kinda....I'm surprised you never join us," Eren commented.

"Well, I've been busy as Queen. Titan shifter I guess is sort of not my priority at the moment," I simply replied with a shrug.

"Well....I umm....I kinda miss you nowadays," Eren spoke. "I was always kind of a jerk to you before and I wanted to get on better terms with you."

I was kinda taken aback. I wasn't sure what entirely was going on to bring all of this up.

"Well, you're not a jerk anymore. You're less cocky and finally use your head," I commented. "Don't worry about it Eren. You and I are on good terms now."

"That's good," Eren said sounding relieved.

I smiled in amusement and walked to the other side of the barn, putting some of the horse supplies away. Eren followed me over and I now knew he wanted something.

"Eren. What do you want?" I asked, folding my arm.

"I uhmmm," Eren murmured. "Would you be willing to look through my titan memories some more?"

"Oh, yeah sure," I replied and motioned him over. "Come here."

He walked over and stood before me. I reached my hands up so that held onto his head and went to touch my forehead to his. Well....That did not go as planned. All the sudden he moved. I was confused and then my eyes widened.

He kissed me......Eren...Kissed me?!?!

It came out of no where as he held onto my waist. He eventually broke to kiss and I was frozen. I had no words. I didn't even know how to react.

"Eren...." I finally spoke.

"I'm sorry....I just..." Eren said nervously and then became serious. "(Y/N).....I care about you a lot. Ever since you became Queen, I just have felt this way towards me."

"So....You only care about me...When I became Queen...." I muttered.

"What?! No!" Eren argued. "That's not what I meant!"

"It's what it sounded like," I replied angrily.

Why did I even care?!? I was in love with Reiner. Oh my walls. If Reiner finds out he will kill Eren and it'll ruin the whole good relationship they has between the Warriors and Scouts. I can't tell Reiner this. How am I supposed to even handle this situation?! Barely anyone knows I'm with Reiner, I can't just say I have a boyfriend or something. I'm the freaking Queen. What the hell am I supposed to do?!

"(Y/N), I know you're confused right now and I won't do anything else," Eren stated. "But I will prove to you that I care about you for you, not because you're Queen."

"Good luck with that," I replied.

I pulled away from him and immediately exited the barn. I just want to go home now. I think I'm done for the day.

I went home after what happened in the barn. My head hurt so much trying to wrap my head around about all of this. Why does Eren care about me? He, at one point, hated me I'm pretty sure. This was all so ridiculous.

I walked into my house and immediately went to my room. I flopped onto the bed and sighed, hugging one of my pillows close to my chest. I soon heard a knock at the door and I sat up.

"Come in," I called and I saw Reiner walk in. "Reiner, I thought you still had more stuff to do today."

"They let us go early," Reiner replied and walked over to me.

He sat on the bed beside me and kissed my cheek. I blushed but also felt so guilty. It wasn't even me who kissed Eren but I still felt guilty because it happened.

"You okay, (Y/N)? You don't seem okay," Reiner commented and lightly brushed some hair out of my face.

"I'm just really tired for some reason," I responded softly.

"Alright," Reiner replied and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest. I'll see you later."

I watched him leave and once he was gone I shoved my face into the pillow and screamed. What the hell is happening?!

Ummmm. I don't know what to say because I just wrote that.....WELP!

So, if you haven't looked I redid the Story Description. If you wanna look at that, it kinda explains why the hell that just happened. Idk. It probably doesn't.

Sooooooo Eren is kinda scooching in now and Y/N doesn't know what to hecking do.

It's all just freaking drama and I'm like, welp. Here we goes *sprinkles more stupid drama onto story*

Anyway, I still dunno if this is a good idea and stuff but we'll see. Hopefully I update soon cause hooooooooo this is getting kinda crazy.

What have I done....

I'm slowly losing it....It's fine XD

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