Ch. 130 - Island Devils

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"And Boom!!" Gabi announced. "Just liked I'd planned! I knocked the armored train right off the tracks."

Gabi was currently retelling her tale of taking out the heavily armored train during the battle of Fort Slava. I sat there beside Reiner at the end of the table with his mother, Karina, at the other. On the sides were two pairs of aunts and uncles, one pair was Gabi's parents to my right.

"It actually worked! But as I ran away they fired a machine gun at me! Just as I was about to eat led, (Y/n) protected me with her Speed titan!"

I smiled in amusement as she began to be praised by many members of her family. A few thank yous were thrown my way, but they were more focused on their soon to be Warrior.

"Reiner. Do you think Gabi will become a Warrior?" Karina asked curiously.

"Yeah. It's almost a given she'll inherit one of the titans," Reiner stated.

"That's good to hear. To think our family would have two warriors. I'm so proud," Karina began. "If only those island devils would disappear, then us Eldians could finally be happy."

"(Y/n) is from the island," Gabi pointed out.

I stopped eating and looked up, now noticing all the attention on me.

"Your life must have been hell over there," one of them stated.

"It wasn't terrible...." I stated.

"What was your life like?" Another questioned.

"I was born with the sole purpose to become a titan to carry on my families legacy, given no other path. I eventually escaped that hell when titans broke through the wall and fled to join the military where I met Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie...." I spoke softly. "My life became better after I met them. It was hard to gain their trust, especially after I found out where they were from. I wanted to escape and they helped me....With sacrifice of course...."

"You two barely made it off that island, right?" Gabi's father asked.

"Don't, dad! They survived five rotten years on the island of devils. Even if it wasn't classified, I'm sure they wouldn't want to talk about it," Gabi pointed out, trying to change the subject.

"You're right, forgive me nephew and (Y/n)," he apologized.

"No. I can talk about it," Reiner spoke. "We infiltrated their military. Every last one of them was a savage heartless devil. During the entrance ceremony, one of them started eating a potato. The instructor yelled at them, but they didn't seem to care. Said they stole it 'cuz it looked tasty. Realizing they had crossed the line, they offered half to the instructor, but the piece they offered was hardly even half. Being considerate doesn't seem to cross their minds. They're truly beyond all help. There was an idiot who would forget why he even went to the bathroom, an insincere jerk who only thought about himself, an up tight oaf who only cared about what others thought, a single minded fool who would charge ahead and the chumps that followed him. There were all sorts of people there and we were there too. My days there were truly hell."

The shutters all the sudden opened, causing me to flinch in my seat. It had gotten a bit intense after that statement. I never knew that's partially what Reiner thought about his comrades back then. I guess he would analyze there flaws when his goal was just to destroy the walls.

"Sorry. I've said too much. Forget it," Reiner apologized as his mother went to close the shutters.

"You said they're all bad right and far from help....but (Y/n) seems to be okay," Gabi pointed out.

"(Y/n) is different. She may have lived in that hell hole, but she isn't one of them. She's considerate, kind, and saved my life on many occasions," Reiner defended and I smiled a bit.

"Those island devils turned our lives into hell, even (Y/n)'s.  There's no knowing when they'll attack and flatten our lands with giant titans," Karina warned as she rested a hand on Gabi's shoulder. "It's up to good eldians like us to make sure that never happens. They're the ones who abandoned us!"

I sat there awkwardly and sighed. "I apologize on behalf of them. I know my words mean nothing, but know that I feel sorry and there's nothing I can truly do to help with your suffering," I spoke. "I'll just do my best as a Warrior and maybe one day pass my power onto Gabi."

Karina nodded and I could here the rain pick up as it thundered outside.

"I should really go," I stated. "Thank you for dinner, it was quite delicious and I'm very grateful."

I left the table and went to the door, putting on my shoes and coat. I looked up to see Reiner, who began to get ready to leave as well.

"I thought you would be staying," I commented.

"No. You're my girlfriend and I'm staying with you. Plus, it would be rude not to accompany you home," Reiner stated.

I smiled and then kissed his cheek before we both raced through the rain back to my house. We got in and I shook out my soaked hair.

"Did you really mean all those things you said about the island along with the people there?" I asked him as I began to hang things up.

"Of course not," Reiner responded. "My family would never understand that everyone is just like us..."

"I'm trying to help Gabi get there. Udo and Zofia are reasonable and Falco is kind, doing things to help others. He knows that people can be good," I stated. "He has such a kind heart."

"Don't get your hopes up too much," Reiner replied. "We still need to have a plan on how to overtake the government."

"I already have mine. I just need the others to be on board with it," I informed him. "We'll need to have a meeting here, away from everything and with Ymir and Annie to help."

Reiner nodded and then wrapped his arms around me.

"For you and our children, I'll do anything."

"Thank you," I replied and smiled. "I'm glad to have you Reiner."

He smiled back and then kissed me lovingly.

"Time for bed," Reiner said and then picked me up, taking us upstairs to sleep.

I was glad to finally be able to fall asleep again in the same bed as the man I love. He truly is amazing.

Tis an update my lads, ladies, and non-binaries.

Thanketh you for reading! Wasn't too much, but tis something!

More updates will be in your future. I promise. ❤

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