Ch.14 - A Normal Day

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Time began to go by faster since that day. My days at the stables were now easier thanks to everyone's help, pitching in every once in a while.

Months had gone by and my shoulder was slowly starting to heal. I couldn't wait to get this sling and bandages off. I was so tired of the nurse poking and prodding me, asking if it hurts. Yes it hurts! That's where I got injured remember lady! Okay, I'll stop complaining now.

It had been about four months now, and I still needed one more before my shoulder would be fully healed.

Today I began my usual routine: Wake up, get dressed, everyday check-up, breakfast, and then head to the stables.

Thanks to Reiner I was beginning to eat better over these past few months, and I've been getting more sleep. I was feeling like myself again and that made me relieved.

I walked into the stables and no one else was there yet, so I walked over to Artemis. I lightly pet her nose and she snorted, which caused me to giggle. I loved horses. They were such fun and beautiful creatures.

I soon heard footsteps and turned around to see Bertholdt. I smiled and waved at him.

"Morning Bertholdt," I greeted him, cheerfully.

"Good morning," he replied and gave a small smile.

"Could you go ahead and start to muck the stalls while I fill up all their buckets of water?" I asked politely.

Bertholdt nodded and then walked over, grabbing the rake, and getting to work. As usual, I took each bucket, one by one, to the water pump and filled them up. Once I was finished with that, Bertholdt was about done with mucking all the stalls.

"When you're done, could you push the wheelbarrow for me?" I asked as I began to fill the wheelbarrow up with hay.

"Okay," he responded and soon headed over to where I was.

He pushed the wheelbarrow full of hay, while I threw bundles of bay into each stall. Thanks to the teamwork, we were done by lunch. I just had to come by later and muck the stalls one last time before bed.

"Thanks for your help again, Bertholdt," I thanked him and began to head off.

"What is Reiner to you?" He questioned and I turned to face him.

"What do you mean?" I asked softly.

"What do you feel towards him?" He questioned again.

"I mean, he's been a great help and very kind to me over these past few months, even though I had been somewhat of a jerk to him," I replied softly and then smiled. "I think he's just a really great friend. Why did you want to know?"

"I just wanted to know since…. You two were getting so close," Bertholdt quietly commented.

"Don't worry Bertholdt. I won't steal him from you," I responded softly. "You two are best friends after all."

Bertholdt smiled down at me and then said, "Thank you (Y/N)."

We then both headed to the dining hall and grabbed lunch. I decided to sit with Connie, Sasha, Jean, and Marco today.

"Hi (Y/N)!" Marco greeted kindly and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi Marco," I replied and sat down between Sasha and Jean.

"It's been so boring without you (Y/N). No one is nearly as good with the maneuvering gear, well except for me, of course," Jean said with a smirk.

"Hey!" Connie and Sasha yelled and glared at Jean.

I rolled my eyes and lightly hit Jean with my good elbow.

"How is Artemis?" Sasha asked curiously.

She had helped out at the stables a few times and has grown an attachment to the black mare as well.

"She's good," I replied. "You can stop by whenever you want to see her, you know."

"I know, but I don't want the instructor to figure out another way to mess with me," Sasha replied.

Connie then used his spoon as a catapult, and flung the lunch slop at Sasha. She looked back at him with an evil gleam in her eyes. Connie was now petrified and ran for it, while Sasha chased after him.

"You don't waste food!" She yelled.

I watched in amusement and then slowly began to eat the rest of my lunch.

"Has there been anything ground-breaking happening lately," I asked Jean and Marco.

"Not really. We're still getting used to the ODM gear before we start to use the blades," Marco commented. "We're going to start working more with horses in a few days though."

"Finally, Jean can learn to get along with his own kind," I stated and smirked.

"Just because I've only helped at the stables once, doesn't mean you should give me crap about looking like a horse," Jean yelled. "I don't even look like a horse."

"Jean. Calm down," Marco warned.

I just sat there laughing and enjoying myself. Lunch soon ended and I got up to put my tray away, but when I reached for my tray, someone got to it before me.

"Reiner," I said and looked at him. "I can put away my own tray. I still have an arm."

"I know, but I don't want you overworking yourself since you work so hard at the barn," Reiner stated and put my tray away.

"I'm not a child," I argued.

"I never said you were one," he replied softly.

I sighed and then he set a hand on my good shoulder.

"We have a day off tomorrow," he informed me. "All of us were going to go to the lake. I know you can't swim, but it would cause no arm if you joined us."

I looked at him skeptically and then replied, "I'll think about it."

He nodded and then we both headed out of the dining hall. I had some free time so I decided to watch everyone else train. They were working with rifles today. I stood to the side as everyone stood in lines to take shots at targets. Some were pretty impressive. The person who surprised me the most was Sasha. She had told me she did a lot of hunting in her village, so I guess it made sense she had good aim.

I was pretty tired and didn't feel that hungry, so I headed to the infirmary to rest. I walked in and saw the nurse looking at some files. I walked past her and went to my room, sitting down on the bed.

"I would say today was pretty successful," I murmured and then closed my eyes.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I had woken up to the sound of a door opening. Sighed and looked over to see Reiner holding a tray with food.

"You skipped dinner," he said and set it on the table beside me.

"I was tired," I replied. "Ugh. I forgot to muck the stalls again."

"Don't worry. I took care of it, so eat," Reiner said softly.

I sat up and grabbed the tray, setting it in my lap as I began to eat. I glanced over at him and patted the bed for him to sit down. He sat down on the edge of my bed and we sat in a comfortable silence as I ate my dinner.

When I finished, I handed the tray back to him.

"Thank you," I replied. "You didn't have to do that."

"But I wanted to," he responded and went to leave.

"Wait," I called and then stood up.

I walked over to him and gave him the best one arm hug I could give.

"Thank you for everything, Reiner," I mumbled softly. "You've been an amazing friend."

"No problem (Y/N)," he replied and gently hugged me back. 

I have a question.
Should I post the chapters whenever I finish them or should I do a few chapters a day sort of thing?

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