Holiday Special: Winter Dream

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Note: this short does not take place during the main story and is in a completely different universe.

I walked out of my house and immediately felt the cold rush over me. I shivered and wrapped my scarf tighter around me. I could see my breath in front of me as my cheeks began to turn pink from the chilly weather.

"You sure you want to walk?" Ymir asked, standing by the door.

"Yeah. It's super cold. One of us could give you a ride," Historia suggested from next to Ymir.

"No. Liberio Avenue is not far from here," I replied with a smile. "I promise to be home later."

"No later than eleven missy!" Ymir called and I chuckled in response.

"Alright. Bye guys," I said and headed down the street.

I walked in the cold for awhile and soon made it to Liberio Avenue. I walked down the street, soon arriving at the house I was heading to. I knocked a few times before rubbing my hands together, trying to warm them up.

Someone answered the door and I smiled.

"Annie!" I cheered and tackled her in a hug.

"Ah! You're freezing!" Annie complained, beginning to pry me off while also dragging me inside. "Get in here before you become an icicle."

She closed the door and I took off my scarf along with my jacket.

"Did you walk over here?" Annie questioned as she headed down the hall.

"Yeah. Your house isn't that far away," I replied and rubbed my arm, following her down the hall.

"But it's freezing you idiot," Annie said and turned around, flicking my nose.

I huffed and then followed her into the living room. I'd been to Annie's house several times before. We're pretty good friends and she was having a small get together with her childhood friends tonight. I knew Reiner and Bertholdt but there were three I'd never met before. It was nerve-racking since I wanted to make a good impression.

"Can you remind me who else will be here along with Reiner and Bertholdt?" I asked.

"Pieck, Porco, and Marcel," Annie responded. "You'll get along fine. Don't worry."

I nodded and then began to help her put gifts under the tree. They were for a secret Santa thing Reiner came up with, but there seemed to be more gifts than there should be. They all agreed to drop off the gifts at Annie's that way everyone would have total anonymity. I had drawn Bertholdt's name so Annie had helped me pick a book out for him.

We heard the doorbell and she walked over to answer it. I finished setting up snacks and soon I heard loud footsteps.

"(Y/N)," Reiner called and picked me up, spinning me around. "I missed you."

"Reiner! You're freezing! Put me down," I exclaimed and lightly hit his shoulder.

He set me down but refused to let go. "No you're so warm," he murmured.

I blushed and began to try and pry him off of me.

"Annie! Help me!" I cried as I saw Bertholdt and Annie enter the room.

"Reiner. You're getting carried away," Bertholdt stated when he saw us.

Annie then came over and dragged him off of me. "Hands off my friend."

"Hey. She's my friend too!" Reiner retorted.

"Well, I met her first!" Annie responded and narrowed her eyes.

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