Ch. 116 - Too Soon

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Within a week, we had full control of the base. Pieck made the decision that for the next six months we would stay here unless we get word that we need to be moved. Her reasoning was that it would be better ensuring the base doesn't get handed back to the enemy. I agreed but I knew I was part of the reason we were doing this.

Pieck made sure no soldiers would see me. It would be as if I barely even existed at all. Hiding in a room as many held the base. I felt awful. Not just because of the pregnancy, but it felt like I was put on a pedestal again. My life being more important as ever. You would think I would be use to it by now. Warrior, Queen, and now soon to be mother.

The thought of that was unreal to me. I was nineteen and I was pregnant. Ymir is going to kill me. Annie is going to kill me. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people who are gonna be mad at me because of this. Look, it's not entirely my fault.

Five months went by and I felt like a cow. These months have been the longest thing I've ever experienced. I feel like my stomach is bigger than it should be and I barely ever want to leave my bed ever. I hated being stuck in my room having Pieck tend to my needs. She was basically doing everything for me and watching over me.

I couldn't do shit! I felt useless! I felt stupid! I didn't want to be here.

I wanted Reiner. I wanted him to hug me and tell me everything would be okay, but I also want to slap his face and tell him what an idiot he is. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Today was like everyday. I woke up with pains and they felt worse than ever. By body was aching and I just wanted this to be over. I sat myself up and dressed myself well enough.

I soon heard Pieck knock on the door and walked in. I looked up and she gave me a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and sat down beside me.

"Awful.....I honestly cannot tell if my child is going to be a blessing or a nuisance," I responded with a sigh. "I've always wanted kids....but now is just too soon."

"I agree," Pieck replied and then looked up when hearing another knock on the door. "You have guests."

"What kind of guests," I questioned as she walked over to the door.

"I assume the good kind," Pieck commented and opened the door to reveal.....

Ymir and Annie.

I stared at them in shock as they walked into the room. I pushed myself up and smiled a bit.

"Ymir....Annie...." I murmured as tears began to fill my eyes.

"Oh no," Ymir said and chuckled. "You're getting emotional."

"It's just been so long..." I responded. "But don't seem to have changed at all."

"You have though," Annie pointed out. "I'm going to kill Reiner."

"Not if I don't do it first," Ymir retorted.

"Please don't.....As much as I'm mad at him right now, I still love him," I responded.

"You're too young to be having a child!" Ymir scolded.

"You think I don't know that!" I shouted. "It's not like I planned this all out."

"Let's not yell at each other and just say Reiner is to blame," Annie commented.

"Agreed," Ymir and Pieck both said.

I huffed in defeat and then winced in pain as by lower abdomen began to hurt. Ymir, Annie, and Pieck all went into panic mode.

"Are you okay?!" Ymir questioned.

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