Ch.3 - An Interesting Encounter

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I was woken up to our instructor shouting at the top of his lungs. I groaned and climbed off of my bunk, immediately beginning to change into the uniform. I headed out of the barracks and made my way to the dining hall.

"Wait up!" A small voice called as they emerged from the girl barracks.

I looked back and saw it was Christa. I was curious as to where Ymir was, since I could tell they were clearly a duo. I waited for her to catch up before continuing to the dining hall.

"So how did you sleep?" Christa asked kindly with a bright smile graced her lips.

I gave her a polite smile and responded, "I slept well. How about you?"

"I slept great. Thank you for asking," Christa replied as we walked into the hall.

A few of the boys were already there eating. I believe their names were Jean, Samuel, and Marco. The rest of the boys were probably waking up still. I'm a morning person, fortunately. Christa and I went and grabbed our food. I went to go sit alone, but she followed me and sat down across from me. I looked up surprised and then began to eat.

This could be a good opportunity to ask her questions, to see how I could possibly know her.

"So, Christa. What was your life like before coming to the training corps," I asked before taking a bite of my bread.

"Oh, well," Christa said and then paused. "Well, I grew up working on a farm."

"That's really cool," I replied and smiled, and soon noticed more people entering the dining hall. "I've always loved horses. I wish I could visit farms more often because I actually enjoy the outdoors."

"Really? That's great," Christa replied. "What was your life like before you joined the training corps?"

"Oh," I said before I chose my next few words wisely. "I lived kind of isolated from others besides my family, but then when the wall fell my whole family was wiped out by a powerful titan. It ate my older sister and crushed everyone else. Then a nice man found me and brought me to Trost and I lived there before coming here. Sorry. I probably shouldn't have brought all of that up."

I lightly rubbed the back of my neck slightly embarrassed at what all I just revealed. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't all the truth though. I finally noticed a few people standing around me, and I looked around startled. However, Christa was in tears. She then got up and ran to the other side of the table hugging me.

"You poor thing!" She cried.

I was startled at all the emotion and contact.

"What did the titan look like?" Samuel asked curiously.

I lightly pulled away from Christa's grasp and stared around at everyone.

"It was big. It had long brown hair and a beard. It was about fifteen meters tall and bulky," I replied and went back to eating my food. "Titans are all terrifying, merciless creatures and I'll just leave it at that. Now go eat breakfast or you'll all get your asses kicked in training today."

After I said that, the crowd began to thin, except for Ymir who was now seated next to Christa. I wasn't surprised so I didn't pay any mind to it as I finished up my breakfast. Soon it was time for training.

Our instructor informed us we'll be working on some hand to hand combat while they set up the first ODM gear test. We walked out waiting to be put into groups. I was assigned to do hand to hand with someone by the name of Reiner Braun. I shrugged my shoulders and glanced over, seeing Annie walking up to me.

"Don't go easy on him. Kick his ass for me," Annie said and gave me a thumbs up before going over to her partner.

I looked at her confused and soon felt a shadow loom over me. I looked up and saw a young, blond, muscular guy standing next to me.

"I take it you're (Y/N)?"

I nodded and replied, "Then you must be Reiner."

We walked off to an open area on the training grounds. I got into my own sort of fighting stance. While living in luxury things tended to get boring, so my older brother had decided to give me some self defense lessons just in case. Boy am I glad I had those lessons or else I wouldn't know what the heck I was doing right now.

Since I hadn't made the first move, Reiner decided to charge at me. I used his momentum against him. I grabbed his arm, moving around him, and then kicked his leg out from under him, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Ow. That hurt," Reiner said and sat up.

"I thought I shouldn't hold back," I replied and offered my hand to help him up.

He took my hand and helped him up.

"Wanna go again or save yourself for when we test our balance?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"As much as I would want to save myself, I can't back down from a challenge," Reiner replied and then went to hit me.

I ducked and then grabbed his arm, flipping him onto the ground.

"Well, I think they're almost ready. Good fight," I said and walked off.

Reiner sat up, rubbing his head and then glanced over to see Annie beside him.

"Wasn't much of a fight..."

"You underestimated the enemy," she said and began to head off. "She has my respect."

Reiner narrowed his eyes and looked back in direction (Y/N) was in. There was just something about her.

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