Ch. 20 - To The Grave

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As I walked through the barracks with Ymir, next thing you know I'm shoved into a broom closet. Now I was completely surrounded by darkness.

"Uh Ymir?" I questioned as my eyes slowly adjusted. "Are you admitting to me that you have a thing for brooms?"

"No. That's probably someone else's thing," Ymir said with a chuckle before her face turned completely serious. "It's about Christa."

My eyes had finally adjusted and I stared up at her curiously. "What about her?" I questioned.

"You seemed close to her and I trust you. If anything happens to me I just want to make sure someone else knows these things," Ymir stated seeming worried for the first time ever.

"I doubt you'll ever die. You're too much of a hard ass to go down," I commented which made her smile.

"I don't know her real name, but it isnt Christa," Ymir began to say. "She apparently is a noble child that higher people of the church want to get rid of. They changed her name and then sent her into the training corps."

"She is of noble decent...." I murmured and began to think about my family.

Then something popped into my head. Something Frieda said a long time ago.


"Frieda! Where are you going off to today? I thought we could hang out," a younger version of me cried, pulling at Frieda's salmon colored long skirt.

"No. Sorry," Frieda said and then glanced around. "Can you keep a secret?"

I nodded as I stared up at her with eager eyes. "I promise to not tell anyone."

Frieda giggled in amusement and then kneeled down to my level. "I'm meeting Historia today. She's your sister," she murmured into my ear.

"Sister...then why isn't she here?" I questioned.

"It's complicated. She's about your age though. I bet you two would get along very well," Frieda stated with a smile, ruffling my hair. "I'll take you to see her another time. She likes Christa in that book, just like you do."

"Okay!" I agreed with a smile. I then did the motion for sealing my lips and throwing away the key.

Frieda giggled and then stood up walking away. That was about a few weeks before the incident happened.

End of Flashback

I was now standing in the broom closet, tears streaming down my cheeks. Ymir seemed startled and confused at the sudden emergence of emotion.

"(Y/N). What's wrong?" Ymir asked very concerned.

"Christa is my sister," I murmured and stared up at her with watery eyes.

"Your does that work?!" Ymir questioned clearly confused.

"I'm not from Trost and you already know that. I said I lived an isolated life before the titan attack. That was right," I said and then stared up at Ymir. "Can I trust you?"

Ymir stared at me, seeing how serious this was. "I won't tell a single soul. Not even Christa."

"My last isn't Reisen. It's Reiss. I'm (Y/N). The only legitimate heir to Rodd Reiss," I said and then looked her directly in the eyes. "He is the real King in these walls. King Fritz is a false."

"That would mean, Christa is also an heir," Ymir said and then immediately followed up with. "Don't tell me her name. I want her to say it to me herself."

I nodded and then began to wipe my tears with my sleeves. I sighed when I finally calmed down.

"It feels nice now. Having someone else know my secret. That way if I ever pass, you'll know," I muttered.

"There's no way you'll die. You're too stubborn," Ymir said with a smile. She then turned serious again. "This whole conversation stays between us. I'll take your secret to the grave."

"Same here," I replied and then Ymir hugged me.

It was nice. Ymir wasn't one for affection most of the time, so I was very grateful.

"So, you're a princess," Ymir commented smugly asa she pulled away from the hug. "Your majesty."

"No. Don't even," I said and lightly punched her arm, laughing.

We exited the closet and then Ymir turned to me. "Wait. Didn't you say your family got killed by a titan?" She questioned.

I nodded. "I don't want to tell you everything just yet," I murmured not wanting to unviel titan shifter things to people yet.

Ymir gazed at me suspiciously and then patted the top of my head. "Alright. Just know I'll always be here to listen."

I smiled and then my stomach growled. We both chuckled and decided to head to the mess hall. I grabbed a tray that had bread and some soup before sitting at a table with Ymir.

Eventually people began to join us. Connie, Armin, Jean, Marco, and Bertholdt.

All the sudden, Ymir leaned over and whispered to me, "Now, where could the princess's knight and shining armour be."

I was confused at first and then brushed in realization at what she meant, elbowing her in the side.

"Hey Bertholdt. Where's Reiner," Ymir asked with a smirk.

Bertholdt shrugged as he played with his food. "Probably working out, knowing him."

"I'm not surprised. (Y/N) was just wondering where he was is all," Ymir stated untruthfully.

This girl was playing with fire.

"No I wasn't. Stop saying stuff," I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Wait. Do you like Reiner or something?" Connie asked and I tried to contain my flusteredness.

"No. Well, yes as a friend. But no in the sense of spew Ymir is saying out of her trash hole," I rambled clearly embarrassed.

"Geez. How rude," Ymir said and laughed.

I huffed and then went back to eating my food. But the thought was now stuck in the back of my head.

Do I like Reiner like that?

Ohhhhhhh. Boyyyy.
Another update. What a shocker!
Am I right??

I'm doing my best. I finally have the time and I'm making this stuff happen. It's worth it. Stuff is getting crazy in this story.

Ps. I'm so glad you guys like it. I'm very appreciative. ❤

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