121 - New King

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I was back at headquarters, currently sitting in a meeting room with Commander Pixis and a couple of Garrison officers. They were all currently arguing over something. I didn't know, I wasn't paying attention.

"(Y/n) Reiss," Pixis spoke and I finally looked up. "How is it that the walls are sealed?"

"The first king," I replied which wasn't a lie.

"And how is it that you were able to walk all the way through Trost and not be eaten by a titan," he questioned.

"Luck, I guess," I responded.

I was getting tired of this and bored. I wanted to go home.

"This is how it is going to go," I spoke suddenly, making the room entirely silent. "Military police will be here any second to get me and take me home. Eren Jaeger is going to be put under my custody and anyone who wants him can negotiate with me."

"Why should we listen to you?" One of the officers challenged.

"Because, one, I'm the only one here with any real information. Two, I'm the one who just sealed up Trost's gate for you. Your welcome," I retorted and sighed. "And three, I'm technically your superior in this matter. Not because I'm a noble, but because of what runs through my blood."

They seemed shocked and all the sudden there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I replied.

The door opens and I watch as three scouts walk into the room. They seemed confused as to why I was there, but I didn't care.

"We're here to discuss what all happened in Trost," one spoke.

I assumed him to be Commander Erwin. I've actually heard quite a bit about him.

"Ah, yes," Pixis said.

They went into detail about the events that occurred in the last few hours. Colossal Titan, Eren Jaeger, and then me.

Commander Erwin sat their pondering a few things before speaking.

"You're taking him into custody, Ms. Reiss," Erwin asked to confirm this fact.

"That is correct," I replied.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Well, I assume that someone with knowledge on this subject should be the one to take him away," I told him. "If you're wanting him for something, we can discuss and negotiate on that on another date."

"How do you know anything about this?" He asked.

"The royal family hides many secrets," I replied with a sly smirk.

A knock was heard at the door and several military police personnel stood there.

"Miss Reiss, it is time to go," one of them spoke.

I nodded and then stood up, heading out of the door.

"I hope to hear from you gentlemen later," I spoke as I left them.

The military police then escorted me outside to a carriage that was waiting.

"One of you make sure Eren Jaeger is taken into custody in the capital. Make sure they're not too mean towards him," I told them.

"Yes ma'am," one of them replied and took off.

I was about to get into the carriage and looked over to see Reiner standing not too far away. I gave him a small wave and then got into the carriage, heading home.

I arrived home when it was was late. The sky was dark and filled with stars as I exited the carriage, walking into my home. I headed inside and looked to see my father there with my mother and sibling. Oh, did I also mention the tons of military police soldiers.

I stood there and folded my arms.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Did you wipe their memories?" Rod asked immediately.

"No," I replied.

"Were you the one who sealed the wall?"


"They saw you!!" Rod yelled distraught.

"Um, I mean they saw me do it but I wasn't a titan," I replied.

"This is ridiculous. You're putting all our lives at stake," Rod scolded me. "You shouldn't have that power anymore."

"Need I remind you who is cowering behind all his children in order to not recieve this power," I pointed out as I stared him down. "Who has done nothing to help the people of these walls, who sits behind everyone filling his belly with food while others starve, who had several kids so he wouldn't have to bear this burden, so he could live a sad, long life. Shall I remind you that he has also had an affair with the maid."

My father was getting nervous from all the things I was saying.

"Do any of you want to die short lives? Do you military police want to follow a coward as your king? Someone who is not loyal?" I questioned as I glanced at everyone.

"You can't do this!" Rod yelled. "I'm the King! Lock her away."

The military police began to walk towards me and I held up a hand. They were frightened when I did since they know what I am.

"What will the papers say then?" I asked him. "Mysterious Sealer of the walls gets locked away after good deed and also claims to be of royal blood. Man, what a scandal would that be. People would start asking questions. Many, many questions. But who will answer them? No one, because you'll just hide. The Reiss name will be plummeted into nothing and seen as slander."

I lightly sighed and thought a lot about what I was going to say.

"Aren't you tired of watching people suffer!? Step up and work with me as I become the new King," I spoke confidently.

The military police seemed very questionable and all the sudden I heard the echo of boots walking towards the commotion. Next thing I know, I see a gun held against my father's head.

"You know (Y/n)," they spoke. "I've been waiting a long time for you to do this."

I smiled joyfully. It was Uncle Kenny.

"You boys would be smart to join her. She's strong in ways you don't want to know," Kenny commented.

This seemed to motivate them and they all turned, looking at Rod Reiss.

I looked at my family and walked over, grabbing my mother's hands.

"Mom. I promise that our family will be safe and that you and all of my siblings will be okay," I told her. "I'm here for you. Do you trust me?"

She stared at me for a long time. Tears formed in her eyes and then she nodded, hugging me tightly to her. My siblings eventually joined in and I was so happy.

I moved away after awhile and then looked over towards Kenny and the military police.

"Take Rod Reiss away. There's a new ruler now."

"What do you think she could be dreaming about?"

"Who knows....."


Hello!!!! It's me! Another chapter!! I'm very happy with this one btw so I hoped you enjoyed it.

(Y/n) is a very empowering person who cares for anothers and isn't afraid to fight, but I feel like that was a little lost as her character continued in the book, so I wanted to ease that spirit back into her by doing this and I love it.

Idk when the next chapter will be but I'll do my best to find time to write some more.

Thank you for reading! Love you guys!!!

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