Ch. 117 - What's Real?

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I a fluffy bed with warm blankets. It was...weird...

As I opened my eyes, I saw light shining from a window. I blinked a few times and then sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Hello? Anyone?" I murmured, confused.

I swear I remembered people being with me before. Was it just a dream? I don't even remember their faces...or who they were. I lightly yawned and then looked down at myself. Was this my body? This didn't feel right. Something is wrong. Am I wearing someone else's skin?

I was beginning to freak out and my head snapped up when I heard a knock at the door.

"Uh...come in!" I called nervously.

In walked...Reya...

I recognized her! She's my maid! I took another look around the room and realized, it was my room. The one in the capital.

"Goodmorning Mistress (Y/n)! How did you sleep?" She asked politely.

"I slept...well," I responded. "Um...Reya...what year is it?"

"The year is 850, your highness," she replied kindly. "Your father is sending you down to Trost soon, remember? He wants you to congratulate the new graduating cadets of the 104th."

"Huh? How come?" I murmured.

"He wants to boost moral in these trying times. So he decided to send a few of his children to each graduating battalion," Reya replied. "He heard there's a lot of potential in the 104th. That's why he is sending you there."

I nodded and then stood up, walking over to my vanity and taking a seat. I looked at the mirror and my eyes widened.

My eyes.....they were....and as soon as I noticed, my eyes turned back to normal.

" I....The Founder?" I asked nervously.

"Yes," Reya responded, confused by the question. "Mistress (Y/n)....Are you feeling alright? Maybe sending you to Trost is a bad idea."

"I thought....Frieda possessed it..." I murmured.

"Your sister passed away five years ago, around the time when Wall Maria fell," she explained. "She fought bravely against the attack titan, but when he escaped, something wrong happened to the Founder. She went crazy, saying odd things. Your family had no choice but to pass on the Founder to you early. Frieda was so young....I don't understand what could have happened to make her act in such a way."

"I....see..." I replied.

"May I do you hair now," she asked with a kind smile.

I looked up at her and nodded, politely saying, "Yes please."

I remember....I'm (Y/n) Reiss. But, why are my memories so fuzzy. Something doesn't feel right, as if something is out of place.

"All done! Beautiful as always, princess," Reya announced happily.

I gazed at myself in the mirror and nodded.

"Thank you," I responded.

After that, I got dressed and headed downstairs. I needed to head to Trost as soon as possible to get there by sundown. I made it outside when I saw them.

Dirk, Abel, Florian, and Ulklin. The rest of my siblings. As I stared at them, flashes of blood and a large titan filled my head. I winced and grabbed onto my head. What....was that?

"(Y/n)!" Abel cried out and raced towards me giggling.

She jumped into my arms and I hugged her back. Was this real? Why did this wrong but so right?

I smiled as the rest of my siblings gathered around me, tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Dirk immediately asked confused.

"Huh...I'm not sure," I responded and wiped my eyes. "Maybe I'm just happy to see you guys."

"But you see us all the time," Florian pointed out.

"Ah. That's true," I stated with a small chuckle.

"Be careful on your trip to Trost!" Abel cheered. "We'll see you soon!"

"Yeah. Have fun!" Ulklin said and patted my head. "You barely get to go out nowadays. It's so nice of father to let you do this."

"Yeah. It is," I said with a smile. "Bye bye then."

I waved goodbye and headed over to my carriage. As I walked over there, I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings until I felt a shadow over me. I halted and looked up to be met with.....Uncle Kenny.

"Don't get into too much trouble while your out, brat," Kenny stated. "I won't be there to save your ass."

I smiled at him and replied, "I'm sure I can handle myself."

As I stared at him, flashes of his corpse lying on the floor passed through my head and I winced. Huh?! Why does this keep happening?!

"Oi? You okay?" Kenny asked curiously. "Is it a memory?"

"Most likely, but I'm not sure whose memory," I replied and smirked. "You're just hoping it's one of Uri's don't you."

"Don't know what you're talking about," Kenny responded gruffly and then went to walk away. "Better be off soon, princess."

"Bye Uncle," I responded with a smile.

I then hopped onto the carriage and was off. I don't think I've ever visited Trost. I was very excited. But....why?

Something about this world didn't feel right. Why couldn't I remember anything? Why am I seeing these visions....Dead loves ones...but they're alive...I need answers, but I'll probably never get them.

I stared out the window and gazed upon the lands in between wall Sina and Rose. They were beautiful. I wish I could explore the lands between the walls more....

Flashes of titans roaming the lands appeared before me and I gasped, moving away from the window.

"Is everything alright back there Miss?" The coachman asked.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm alright..." I responded and sighed.

What is going on?

I felt bad for not updating for a long time.
So I thought I would throw this chapter out since I finalized it.

I'm still figuring out some other stuff for the story.
I'm kinda taking my time since a lot of school stuff and personal stuff are mixing altogether rn.

Anyway, I promise there will be more chapters in the future. Can't confirm when but hopefully sometime next week there will probably be another chapter.

Thank you for reading!
Love you guys and have a good day!

Ps: my entire yard is covered in snow and I'm shook.

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