Ch. 115 - A Monster

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I had no words. I was silent as I just stared at Pieck.

"This is a joke....right?" I spoke softly. " can't be serious..."

"I knew something was wrong," Pieck replied. "And your body can't hide things forever..."

"But.....but..." I murmured shocked.

I'm PREGNANT! My brain basically exploded in thoughts of horror and fear. I'm in the middle of a war and I'm pregnant! I shouldn't be here!

"Reiner," Pieck said out of no where. "It's Reiner's....isn't it.."

I looked back up at her and nodded, giving into the reality. He....He didn't...

I grabbed onto my head and yelled in frustration, tears bursting from my eyes.

"That idiot! You idiot! I didn't realize! How can I be so stupid!" I yelled.

"(Y/n). Calm down please," Pieck warned and kneeled down beside me. "It's gonna be okay."

"How....." I murmured softly and wiped my eyes.

She was silent for a long time and then sighed.

"I don't know," she responded. "(Y/n)....In any other situation I would send you back to the walls but we are in the middle of a war. I don't think we want the Marley government to find out and get ahold of your child......Who knows what they would do to you or even Reiner..."

"I have to just stay here then....and wait..." I stated and sighed.

"Figure. You're most likely two months pregnant by now..." Pieck said, beginning to calculate. "You have about six or seven more to go."

I groaned and just flopped back onto my sleeping bag.

"I don't know if I'll be able to last if I stay in this tent forever..." I murmured.

Tears filled my eyes again and my hands turned into fists as I gripped onto my sleeping bag.

"I'm so ticked off but I can't be mad at Reiner.....I don't even think he realized..." I stated as tears began to drip from my eyes.

"I would suggest abortion....but we can't really do that out here," Pieck murmured.

"If I am able to destroy most of the base, will that set us up for victory in the future," I asked all the sudden.

"I mean, most likely....Why are you asking?" Pieck questioned.

"Because I'm going to do that," I responded confidently. "I will not be useless. I'll do what I can while I still can. Once I'm able to ensure us victory, I will wait out my time here...."

"Are you sure? Do you even want to have them?" Pieck asked.

"I don't know..." I murmured. "This is no place for a child....But I feel like I would be killing a part of myself and Reiner inside of me."

Pieck sighed and ran a hand through her hair, now deep in thought. I could tell she was trying to find some way of helping me.

"I'm going to send a letter..." Pieck said. "I pray it reaches them for your child's sake."

She then got up and left. A letter huh....Would it be to Marley or Liberio? No, that would rat myself out to their government. What could she be thinking? Then, a thought popped into my head. The walls....What would everyone think of me? I'm such an idiot for not realizing this sooner. I feel as if more burdens are being piled on top of me. The lives of my friends, the people of Liberio, and now a child. A child who is mine and the man I love's.

What would Reiner even think if he knew? My guess excited but then he would scold himself for getting me pregnant at a time like this. He seems like the type who would want to be a father, be born into a world like this at a time like this. It is awful. It's like ensuring they have an awful life.

All the more reason to end everything faster.

A few days passed and I walked out of the tent. The soldiers were already at the battle field along with Pieck in her Cart titan form. I began to make my way away from the camp and stood to where I could see the base. I pulled out the knife Kenny had given me years ago and stared at it.

"Don't be disappointed in me please," I murmured and then sliced the blade over my hand, sparks now flying around me.

Lightning struck around me as flesh formed around me, creating my titan body. I reopened my eyes, gazing upon the world around me room above. I'm sorry, but I need to save the future. I ran. I was fast, faster than I had ever been before. I sped over to the point where I surprised the troops and even Pieck at my presence.

I stormed over the fence, breaking the metal that surrounded the base. First thing I did, was make sure there were no gunners towers existing. I knew they had been trying to take out the heavy artillery, but I wasn't waiting any longer. I turned around and lifted my leg, demolishing three gunners towers with one kick. Bricks and stone crumbles to the ground as I listened to yells of terror. People were shooting rifles from below but that was doing nothing.

I was a titan....they were basically beneath me. I walked through the base, heading towards the main area. I noticed train tracks around and crystallized my hands into claws, sweeping them down and destroying their tracks. Transportation path was destroyed. What else is there?

"(Y/n)! Move!" I heard Pieck titan yell and I looked up.

Not far was an anti-titan gun. I heard the trigger and moved to dodge. The shot ripped through some flesh in my titan shoulder, but nothing serious. My eyes stared at them in fury. I began to walk over and I could see the panic as they began to reload. They didn't make it in time. I grabbed ahold of the metal contraption, picking it up watching as a few people fell. I crystallized my hands entirely and began to crush the metal, completely destroying the mechanism.

I stood in the center of the base, listening as many ran screaming for there lives. I watched with sadness as I realized how much of a monster I truly was. How far I was willing to go to protect others. What was wrong with me....

All the sudden, an image flashed in my head. The one of several colossal titans trampling the lands. The vision I got from Eren's memories....

He's willing to go that far. Destroying the world to save only the people of the walls. Was I willing to go that far?

This world was truly horrid.

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