Ch. 72 - The Chapel

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We arrived to chapel and it was almost dark. We got out of the carriage and I stared up at it. They rebuilt it back to the way it was before the attack. I felt so dazed as all these reminders of the past surrounded me.

I slowly walked into the chapel and went over to move the rug.

"Huh?" Historia said as she watched my actions.

"The true place is hidden below," I responded quietly and opened the door.

Us last few members of the Reiss members walked down into the hidden cavern below. I walked into the entrance and looked to see the Anti-Personnel Control Squad moving around. I knew they were there to protect us in case someone comes to interrupted the ceremony soon to come.

Father stopped to talk with some of the members and I lead Historia deep into the crystal cavern. We soon came upon Eren's form, chained to the ledge above. He looked like he was still unconscious.

About a half an hour passes and I hear the chains move. I looked up and saw Eren was awake now.

"Eren. You're finally awake," Historia called up to him. "Just hang in there for awhile longer. Everything's fine."

"That's a lie," I stated blatantly.

"Listen to me," Historia said for both of us. "Father has been an ally to all of humanity within the walls. We were clearly mistaken about him. It's true he's been a problem for the scouts and had his people kill Pastor Nick, but he didn't have any other choice. Everything he's done has been for the sake of humanity."

"He's gotten into your head..." I hissed quietly and soon heard our father approach.

"Let me explain the rest Historia," Rod spoke as he walked over.

Rod then took Historia hand and beckoned me to follow them up the stairs. I sighed, but followed reluctantly.

"This is the first time you've been here, but it wouldn't be strange if you recognized it," Rod stated, walking over to Eren.

"Father....explain everything to Eren," Historia said.

"Yes, I intend to," Rod spoke and held his hand up, Historia following his action. "If we do this, he may remember all of this on his own."

They touched Eren's back and he became rigid. He must be seeing everything visually now. I already told him that his father did what he did and that he ate my sister. But to see such things, must be taking him for a ride.

As they pulled away, Historia seemed to have some sort of reaction as well, as she held a hand against her forehead.

"Historia...." I spoke softly as I approached her.

"Did you see? Your father's sin," Rod said and then looked towards Historia.

"Why....Why did I forget about that till now?" Historia began. "I was never alone. That girl was always there for me. She gave me books. Taught me how to read and write. She was so kind to me..How could I forget about her?"

"Frieda," I said and she looked at me with saddened eyes. "Our sister."

"You met Frieda?" Rod asked. "Your half sister. She must have been worried about you and came to check on you occasionally. She erased your memories of her to protect you, but now that you've touched Eren, those memories have returned."

"(Y/N) told me Frieda passed away," Historia recalled when I talked about my past.

"Yes. Grisha Jaeger sought to eradicate the Reiss family long ago. Luckily I was able to escape and so did (Y/N)," Rod told her.

"Why would he do such terrible things," Historia asked.

It was silent for awhile and then it was interrupted.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" Kenny called as he entered the room. "What the hell are you guys blabbering about in here? I hope you know a bunch of shit is happening out there."

"Kenny. What happened," Rod asked as he stared down at him.

"The scouts started a couple d'etat and all the regiments changed sides," Kenny informed us. "Everyone knows the King is a big fake and all the big shots got captured."

If that's true, then all my friends know....That Historia and I are of royal blood. Knowing Hange and Armin, they probably know the reason why they stole Eren now. They would have to be on their way here, hopefully.

"Only a matter of time they show up here. Better wrap this up lickity split," Kenny told us.

"Yes, all right," Rod said. "Take your squad and defend the entrance. I need you and your crew to leave for the ceremony. I believed I've told you this before."

"Whoa now King. Did I make you mad?" Kenny said with a smirk. "Sorry bout that. I'm just so worried about you."

That was such a lie and I stopped myself from laughing.

"Kenny.....I trust you. Go," Rod said, clearly wanting him to leave.

"So do I, King," Kenny spoke and tipped his hat to him. "My niece better be in one piece when I get back."

He then walked off and I sighed. The scouts better be here soon.

3rd Person

The scouts arrived at the chapel and halted there horses.

"This is the place," Hange announced and hopped out of a cart.

They made there way into the chapel and saw a figure standing inside.

"You! State your business!" Hange called.

"Where are Historia, Eren, and (Y/N)," Levi asked as they approached the figure.

The figure held their hands up and they could see a military police jacket on them.

"Wait..." Armin said and everyone looked at them.

"I hope you know we're on the same side here," a feminine voice spoke as they turned around. "But know that I'm only here to save (Y/N)."

Everyone stared in shock and immediately became hostile.

"Annie..." Armin murmured.

Annnnnd imma be mean and leave this on a cliffhanger!

But hey, what a twist! Your best friend/girlfriend/wife Annie is here to save you!!!!

Your welcome!

Anyway, that'll probably be the last update right now and I'll have more chapters later!

Thank you for reading!

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