Ch. 79 - Coronation

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I had left Annie's room and began to just wander around the halls, boredly. Coronation was in thirty minutes and I didn't really feel like changing.

"Your highness. Some people are at the door," a servant called. "They claim to know you personally."

I headed down to the foyer and looked over. My eyes widened and I smiled.

"Mom! Dad! Quinn!" I shouted happily as I walked over, hugging them.

I pulled away and Quin jumped into my arms.

"Sister!" She yelled excitedly and cling to me like a monkey.

We giggled and I held Quinn close to me. I hadn't seen them since Trost fell and now so much has happened.

"I missed you all so much," I murmured and gazed at them.

"We heard your name and knew we had to come see you," Tina said and smiled at me.

"Are you guys doing okay in Trost?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. Luckily our house wasn't destroyed," Xavier responded. "Though, can't really go hunting like I use to."

"Well, just know that if you ever need anything you can ask me. I don't mind at all," I told them. "You guys are my family after all."

They smiled and then they hugged my tightly. I wish this moment could last longer, but of course, I had duties to attend to.

"Your highness. You should start getting dressed and ready for you coronation," Reya called from the stairs.

"Okay. Thank you Reya," I replied and then pulled away from the hug, handing Quinn back over to Tina.

"But I wanna stay with (Y/N)," Quinn complained.

"We can visit tomorrow Quinn. (Y/N) is going to have a lot on her plate for the rest of the day," Tina told her child. "It's crazy. The girl I looked after is now Queen at...such a young age."

"Well, I'm only almost seventeen," I replied with a smile.

"That's pretty young," Xavier commented.

"Well, I don't mind and I'm doing this to help save my friends," I responded.

"We're so proud of you, (Y/N)," Tina murmured and kissed my forehead. "We'll see you soon."

I nodded and then waved goodbye as the left.

"Bye sissy!" Quinn called as they closed the door behind them.

I giggled and sighed. I wish we had more time. I then began to race upstairs so that I could get ready. I walked into my room and noticed an outfit had already been laid out. I huffed and looked it over.  A long white dress along with a red cape with white fur at the neck. I looked it over and shrugged.

I changed into the dress and sat down at my vanity, beginning to brush through my hair. Soon, I heard a small knock and looked over. I saw Historia adorned with a beautiful sky blue dress.

"You look beautiful," I complimented with a smile.

"Well so do you," Historia said and walked up behind me.

"Will I even be a good Queen?" I asked my sister as she began to mess with my hair.

"I think you'll be a great Queen," Historia responded softly.

"But I want to save people who have murdered that wrong? They didn't really have a say and I just feel like they deserve another chance," I rambled.

"As much as I don't like what they've done, I think you should do what you believe in," Historia said. "You're willing to give them second chances after all they've done, that's brave and noble. That's what's gonna make you a good Queen."

"Thank you, Historia," I replied with a smile.

Historia nodded and then finished putting my hair up into a braided bun. It looked really nice.

Everything seemed to fly by after that. I was kneeling on a platform surrounded by all the Commanders of the Regiments as I was crowned Queen. When that happened, the crowd below seemed to erupt with cheers.

"Queen (Y/N)!" I heard a few shout.

I felt overwhelmed and over praised. But, I shouldn't think about stuff too much. I'll just live in the moment. I stood up and saluted the crowd which only led to there being more cheers. After things calmed down, I walked inside and met up with the Levi Squad plus Annie. I approached them cautiously and then looked up.

"I know, we've all been through a rough patch together but I hope you all are able to trust me now," I spoke to them. "Not just as your Queen, but also as your friend."

It was silent for a long while and I was scared to how they would respond.

"(Y/N) you're gonna make me cry," Sasha murmured, trying to hold in her emotions.

"Sure you're a pain, but you've saved my butt a couple times," Jean said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Your our friend (Y/N) and we'll listen to you," Armin said and smiled at me.

Tears filled my eyes and everyone stared, wondering what to do.

"What did possibly do...To end up with such great friends like you guys," I cried.

Eren walked up to me and I looked at him, quickly wiping my eye. He smiled at me and then all the sudden hugged me.

"Hey, don't hog the Queen!" Jean argued with Eren.

"I'm not hogging her," Eren shot back.

Then one by one all of my friends joined into a group hug. I even dragged Annie in. I just smiled happily as I was surrounded by my friends.

"You know, as Queen you can punch Captain Levi," Mikasa pointed out as we parted the group hug.

"I...can..." I said and then smirked.

I then began to march down the hall.

"Wait. You're actually going to do it," Connie said as they all followed me.

"Yes...How can I call myself Queen if I can't even do this," I responded.

"Wow. Such confidence," Annie said with a smirk.

"Are you serious?" Eren asked.

"When you hit him, say 'What're you gonna do about it'," Mikasa stated.

"Not you too, Mikasa," Eren said.

Soon, I stopped when I noticed Levi. He stepped out from the shadows and stood before us. I stood there debating my situation, but you know what, life is about taking risks. I gave a small yell and then went up punching him. Everyone went nuts.

"That's right...I'm the Queen now..What're you," I said but stopped when I heard Levi chuckle.

"You guys...Thank you," Levi said with a smile on his face.

Yus! Another update!

Your welcome ;)

Threw in some family reunion and of course I had to have Y/N punch Levi.

More updates to come.

Also, refence from earlier, Y/N would absolutely spoil Falco along with the other Warrior Candidates. She would love them sm.

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