Ch. 76 - The Queen

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We soon arrived in the Orvud District and began to get things together. I helped Eren carry Hange off of the cart and handed her off to Moblit who went to get her medical care. I looked down at my white robes and sighed. I pray I never where these things ever again.

"(Y/N). I forget to tell you something," Levi began and everyone began to gather around. "We need you to do something."

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"Erwin's orders. Once the battle is over, since you're the true successor to the throne become the Queen," Levi said to me.

My eyes widened and everyone around me seemed just as shocked. They were really going to allow me to become Queen. I can't pass up this chance. I need this position in order to save the warriors who came to the walls.

"Q-Queen?! (Y/N)?!" Sasha said in shock.

"The coup d'etat was successful, but the people wont follow a regiment sitting at the top," Levi explained. "What we need is a story to spread. That a true heir retook the crown from the fake."

"I'll do it," I replied. "I've been hiding for too long. I have spent my life trying to escape this life, but in order to help others I must step up. I will be Queen of the walls."

"Nice going Queen (Y/N)," Annie spoked as she stood beside me.

"We still need to talk about you, Leonhart," Levi brought up.

"No need," I stated and everyone seemed confused. "Don't you all remember in Stohess. I pardoned her and as Queen I promise to have this debate later. We have a titan to kill and don't you dare think about leaving me out of the fight. I also have another condition."

"What is that?" Levi asked.

"Historia is to not be apart of the fight," I replied.

"Huh?!" Historia said confused.

"I am to die in a couple of years aren't I? I need to make sure I have someone to pass the crown to when I'm gone," I explained. "And that would be Historia."

"Fine," Levi replied. "Now all of you. We need to have the strategy meeting."

"(Y/N)! This isn't fair!" Historia yelled.

"I'm sure, if she was in my position, Ymir would do the same thing," I pointed out and looked over towards Ymir.

Ymir sighed and then smiled. "You've got me there. Don't worry Historia. Everyone will be okay and you can order some people around while we're gone. You are Princess of the Walls after all."

"I guess you're right," Historia said defeated.

"Just don't worry about it," Ymir replied and kissed her forehead. "We'll see you soon."

All of Levi Squad, minus Historia, headed to the meeting room. I came in later after I changed into some different clothes to fight in. I stood in line with everyone else and waited to hear the plan.

"We've determined the location of Rod Reiss' titan," a Garrison member spoke. "It's Southwest approaching Orvud. At this rate, it will reach the Orvud district by dawn."

"Understood. Commander Erwin, we'd all like to hear what your plan is," another Garrison member spoke. "How do you intend to evacuate the citizens in time?"

"We won't evacuate," Erwin instantly responded.

"What?" The Garrison member said, confused.

"We'll have the citizens in Orvud remain as they are," Erwin said.

"Are you insane?" The Garrison member asked. "What the hell are you thinking Erwin?! Keep the citizens im the city without evacuating them?! By the time it's dawn, the titan will be all over us!"

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