Ch. 28 - Clean Up Crew

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Many of us were apart of the group who were to draw titans away from Eren. The ones who were to dangle over the wall to entice them enough to ignore Eren. Others ended up being literal bait.

I was picked to be apart of the bait team. Reason we are bait is because not all titans were close enough to sense the large amount of humans in the corner of Trost. So we were to assist in leading them in that direction.

I was apart of a group with a superior Garrison officer, along with Jean, Marco, Annie, and Connie. We were to lead titans away from Eren's direction and we were not pleased with the job, but the superior seemed more nervous than us.

"(Y/N)," Annie muttered and I looked over at her. "You know more than you let on."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I simply responded.

"You do. I just want to talk once this is over. I want to know...." Annie muttered. "You know things others don't. I want to help, in a way."

I looked at her suspiciously and then nodded. Our superior then ordered us to go. Time to be bait.

"Over here you lard of blood. Man it must suck to not have an immune system," I yelled at a titan from a rooftop.

It then swung at me and I jumped out of the way.

"Come on, this way!" I called as it began to follow me.

I ran, leading it away from Eren. Now how was I going to ditch it. I ran far enough and eventually hid in alley, luckily it became captivated by the large sum of people. I retreated to meet up with the rest of the squad. I didn't see our superior or Jean.

"Where are the others?" I questioned.

"The Garrison member was eaten, but Jean is missing. There is no way he is dead," Connie stated.

"Look," Annie said, staring down noticing Jean trying to take gear off of a corpse.

"Don't tell me his gear is broken," Marco said worriedly.

"Come on. We need to help him!" I called and flew off.

We immediately headed for Jean and Marco took the lead, immediately distracting the titan nearby.

Jean was finally able to rip the gear off the corpse and put it on. After he got it on, he went to take off but something didn't go right and he fell. A titan was approaching him.

"Jean!" I called.

"I've got this," Connie announced and flew past me, racing across the roof. "Yippie Kai Yay Muchacho!"

He then proceeded to slam into the titans head and then flung himself onto the roof nearby.

"Connie you idiot!" Jean yelled.

"Oh shut up," Connie yelled back and began to run as the titan swung at him.

I took the opportunity to give Jean a chance to escape and slashed the nape off of the titan. All of us then retreated back to the wall, Jean barely making it due to faulty gear. I laid down on the wall and sighed with relief. I've never been so grateful for these walls till now.

"I think we've had enough," Marco commented and looked over. "And Eren has almost completed the task."

"Good. I'm just gonna lie here until someone tells me not too," I muttered and closed my eyes.

I felt someone sit beside me and slightly opened my eye lids to see it is Annie.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Do you believe the Armoured and Colossal are just like Eren," Annie questioned.

"In the sense that there are people inside. Yes," I stated.

I didn't want to lie to Annie and this was probably the last time I'd get to talk to her. We still have to pick our branches tonight.

"How do you know?" Annie asked.

"Because, when I was younger my family was murdered by the attack titan. Eren's titan," I said. "Except it had a different owner."

"Why was your family attacked?" Annie pressed.

"Annie. I don't want to answer anymore of these questions. I'd rather not picture my family's death right now," I replied gently.

"I...I'm sorry," Annie apologized.

"It's okay. Just rest," I said softly. "We most likely have clean up duties later."

Once Eren put in the boulder, the hole was sealed. Also, the survey corps was back and they helped kill the rest of the titans in the city. Finally when the titans were all dead, we had to begin cleaning up our dead.

There were so many. Not just solider young and experience, but also civilians. It was awful, especially once I came across Marco's body. I stared in shock and disbelief. I was with him not that long ago and now he is dead. Did anyone even see? Tears filled my eyes but I sucked it in. No, I had to stay strong now.

We finished clean up and once night fell, we burned the bodies. I stood there, watching the dancing flames. I looked to Christa and Ymir, and walked over hugging them tightly. Seeing Marco gone made me realize how dearly I hold all of my friends. They mean so much to me.

Eventually, we were all called to have a meeting. We were now to choose what branch we were to dedicate ourselves to. Those of us who stayed would join the survey corps, but after what happened today. I doubt anyone wants to stay.

I looked to see Annie leaving. I made eye contact with her one last time and then she disappeared into the crowd.

"Solider. This is a real salute," Erwin called and saluted to us. "Dedicate your hearts!"

"Yes, sir!" We called back and saluted as well.

I looked around me. Reiner, Bertholdt, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Ymir, and Christa. They were all still here. My friends. But, now we were to stay in danger together. I don't wish for any of us to die and I'll make sure they survive.


Soon to be survey corps time!!

Also, I've been watching slap on titan and I couldn't help myself.

Also also, I'm gonna create a new kind of titan. Oooooh boyy

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