Ch. 108 - We're All The Same

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From then on, I continued to tell the kids stories about my time in the walls, but made sure to leave out the part about royalty and titan stuff.

I told them of my adopted family and that was followed by the questions:

"Were they evil?"

"Did they mistreat you?"

"Were they devils?"

"No. They're not," I replied and they were stunned.

"" Gabi questioned.

"Because, the people in walls are just like you and me," I responded and looked at Gabi. "They aren't devils like everyone says they are. I'm from there and you guys seem okay with me."

"Yeah...but..." Gabi said trying to come with an argument.

"The people of the walls abandoned us," Udo stated. "They ran away and we pay for their sins."

"That's how Marley wants you to feel," I commented. "They want you to feel inferior to them, so that they have control over everyone."

"Then, why did you join and become a Warrior," Zofia asked curiously.

"Because I want to help people," I replied. "Like you guys. Becoming a Warrior means I'm one step closer to making change."

"Are you going to cause treason!?" Gabi exclaimed suddenly.

"Huh?!" I said stunned. "What? No! I'm helping the people of Liberio Gabi."

"How?" Falco asked. "How will you help us?"

"I....can't tell you," I responded. "But I promise that one day it will happen."

A few days later I told them another story. The day the government tried to kidnap me. That story didn't really help clear up what is good and bad. I would have to officially explain.

"So, there are devils..." Gabi spoke.

"No, Gabi," I replied and then sighed. "Let me teach you guys the truth, if you're willing to listen."

Udo, Falco, and Zofia nodded. Gabi seemed very unsure but eventually gave in.

"There is no good and evil. There are no devils and angels," I told them. "They are all just people who have their own opinions and views. In my eyes, I'm the good guy when I could actually be the bad guy."

"But you're not!" Zofia exclaimed. "All you've been is kind to us."

I smiled and then pulled Zofia over, giving her a hug.

"You're sweet," I murmured and pat her head. "But, what I say is true. There is no right or wrong. It's just people."

"So, are we bad?" Udo asked.

"Who knows," I replied with a shrug.

"But...I don't understand..." Gabi murmured.

"The people of the walls aren't devils, Gabi," I stated. "They're just like me and I'm not that bad right?"

"I guess..." Gabi murmured. "I just want the world to accept us....I wish the people of the walls hadn't left us here..."

"It'll be okay," I said and gave her a smile. "I accept you and your friends all accept you. Isn't that enough?"

"Maybe...." Gabi said.

I chuckled and then pulled her into an embrace, which she accepted. The rest of them then joined in and we all laughed together. This was so pure and nice.

Soon I heard a knock on the door and they pulled away.

"Come in," I called and in walked Reiner and Porco.

"Hi guys," I greeted, smiling at them.

"Hi," Porco replied and walked over. "I came to retrieve the troublemakers and take them home. How are you holding up?"

"Good, thanks for asking," I replied and he nodded.

"We don't want to go!" Zofia exclaimed.

"Five more minutes," Falco argued.

"Your parents will worry. Now let's go," Porco stated and all the kids reluctantly left with him.

Soon it was just Reiner and I. He walked over to me and was oddly quiet.

"How was work today?" I questioned curiously as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"There's talk of going to war soon with an Eastern nation nearby," Reiner spoke. "We'll be sent out to kill more innocent people..."

"Yeah...." I replied sadly. "I just wish, we could come up with something to stop Marley before the War starts."

"I don't think that'll be possible. We'll have to wait after the war," Reiner informed me.

I nodded in understanding and sighed. I then looked up at Reiner.


All the sudden I was cut off and my eyes widened. Before I could have even blinked, Reiner has moved over and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised. We hadn't kissed in so long and he had caught me off guard. I eventually escaped my surprised state and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

I felt the bed shift as he crawled on top of me, grabbing my waist and pulling me close to his body. I broke the kiss and stared up at him. He smiled down at me and I felt so blessed to have him.

I have been so horrible to him....

Tears began to fall from my eyes and saw Reiner's expression change to shock.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Did I hurt you?"

"No...I've been so terrible to you," I replied. "I yelled at you and got mad at you for stupid reasons."

"It's okay. That wasn't even completely you," Reiner reassured me.

"But it was still me," I retorted.

He then reached down with one hand, lightly brushing away my tears. He then leaned down kissing my forehead.

"I forgive you," Reiner whispered. "And I love you."

I gained enough strength in that moment to sit up and tackle him in a hug. He was startled, wrapping his arms around me instinctively so that I wouldn't hurt myself. I buried my face into his chest and he pulled me into his lap.

"I love you so much Reiner.." I murmured, sniffling.

Reiner lightly chuckled and kissed the side of my head. I love him so much.

I giveth you a chapter!

Starting to get the babies to understand that we ain't devils.

Got some Reiner time and oh boy. War about to head this wayyyyy.

I've been thinking a hecc a lot about where I'm gonna take this story and I just hope you guys like it in the end.

This story probably ain't gonna end for awhile. Which I'm pretty happy about since I love writing it so much.

Anyway, love you guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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