123 - This Isn't Goodbye

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"You really left in the middle of a meeting to come see us," Reiner commented as he walked around with me.

"Well yeah," I said with a shrug. "I'm a Queen. I can do what I want."

Reiner laughed at that response.

"You made quite a show in Trost," Reiner commented, looking as if he was having war flashbacks. "You sealed up the wall using titans....and you declared you're a titan shifter."

"Mhm," I hummed in response. "I know it's ridiculous sounding."

"Yeah. A bit," Reiner replied seeming slightly nervous.

We halted a few feet away from the gates where my interior soldiers were waiting.

"You've got a few years before you actually get high up on the ranks. Maybe you and the others can aim for working with me in the future," I suggested.

"I like that idea," Reiner replied.

I smiled and stared at him for awhile, feeling nostalgic.

"We've only known each other for a short amount of time, yet I feel like I've known you for longer," I spoke.

Reiner smiled and then glanced over. "You should probably head back, my Queen."

I looked over to Hansen and then back to Reiner.

"Well, it's not farewell," I told him and leaned up, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I then went to walk away and he grabbed my hand, pulling me back in an embrace. I hugged him back and then he began to pull away. I was about to say something when all sudden I felt his lips on mine. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him back. When we parted, I felt myself become saddened as if something I cared about was taken away.

"I'll see you soon," Reiner replied and then he walked back into headquarters.

I watched him go and then returned to Faye, beginning to head back to the capital.

In the real world....

"She's been asleep for weeks. She is in a coma!" Ymir hissed.

"Be quiet. You'll wake the twins," Pieck scolded.

"They're barely holding on as is," Annie commented.

"They don't seem like premature babies though," Pieck pointed out. "It's odd. Her transforming while pregnant could have screwed with their DNA."

"She seems to be dreaming...." Annie murmured as she watched (Y/N). "Must be a really good dream..."

"Transforming should have killed those babies...." Pieck spoke. "They need their mother...."

"How much more of this war is there?" Annie questioned.

"Reiner and Zeke have their base...which who knows how they're doing there. Then there is Fort Slava," Pieck responded. "Fort Slava is the biggest problem along with the fleet in the port there."

"That's gonna take awhile," Annie replied.

"We know. That's why most of the eldian units and main Marley army is there already to try and chip as much as they can," Pieck pointed out.

"These babies shouldn't be anywhere near a war zone," Ymir spoke. "Where can I take them?"

"She has a home in Liberio," Pieck said and held out a key. "Grab a yellow armband from somewhere and take them there."

Ymir nodded and then grabbed both children, leaving.

"This coma must be a repercussion from everything," Annie spoke.

Pieck nodded and then heard the door burst open. Both Annie and Pieck was up on their feet. They were dressed in an eldian solider uniform with a yellow armband and their long hair hung in front, concealing their face.

"State your business soldier? What is the meaning of this rude intrusion?!" Pieck hissed.

"What happened.......to my (Y/N)..." they spoke.

They lifted their head up and as their long brown hair moved from their face, it revealed bright turquoise eyes.

"Eren..." Annie growled. "What're you doing here on your own?"

"None of your concern. I joined the army to scope out some things for paradise on my own....unauthorized," Eren stated. "When I spotted Ymir and Annie not long ago sneaking around Marley. I knew something was up."

He looked over at them menacingly as he closed the door. "What happened to her?!"

"She's in a coma," Pieck stated.

"Something went wrong when she transformed," Annie stated. "Everyone in paradise is gonna be pissed when they find out you snuck off!"

"It'll be fine," Eren replied and walked to (Y/N). "Maybe I can reach her."

He moved his hand towards (Y/N) and Annie smacked it away.

"Don't lay a hand on her. You've already thrown yourself onto her enough in the past," Annie threatened.

"I have bigger things to focus on than a silly nonexistent crush," Eren stated.

"If you didn't have a crush...why would you do those things..." Annie questioned.

"Experimentation," Eren said and then lightly moved Annie aside. "I promise not to try anything."

Annie stared at him suspiciously and then looked to Pieck.

"Let him try," Pieck said defeatedly. "We haven't tried yet."

Back to (Y/N)'s head....

"Ma'am. This Eren Jeager we've been keeping as a guest...He's wanting an audience," Hansen stated.

"Alrighty then. An audience he shall recieve then," I said as I walked out of my office.

I soon arrived to the room and motioned for the guard to open the door. I walked inside and the door shut behind me. I looked over and spotted Eren sitting by the window, staring outside longingly.

"You called?" I stated.

"Yes," Eren said as he finally noticed my presence. "I know I'm a threat, but I want to help reclaim my home, Shiganshina. Please let me join the scouts. If they declare I'm a threat and a danger to humanity, then you can decide what finally should be done with me."

I pondered for awhile and then sighed, giving in. "Alright."

"Really! Thank you (Y/N)...I mean my Queen," Eren said.

All the sudden he grabbed his head as if he were in pain. He bent over and I stood in confusion as he soon stood there frozen.

"Eren?" I asked softly.

He then stood up straight and looked at me with widened eyes.

"(Y/N)! You need to wake up!"


Hi :)

Here's some more sustenance for you guys!

Love y'all

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