Ch. 132 - Allyship

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Reiner has business to attend with some Marley general today since they wanted some opinions on possibly invading Paradise. They probably think I'm still not trustworthy when it comes to the island. I don't blame them....They're correct. They're just missing the fact that I've been able to gain the trust of all of their Warriors.

I decided I needed to get business done today. The Tybur's had to be here somewhere and Eren as well. I needed to talk to both of them. If I could possibly make the Tybur's my allies, then this battle will be easier since I would end up with the War Hammer on our side. It's also good to have diplomatic approval of others, something I'll need to work on with other political figures once I take over.

I walked along the streets and glanced over towards the hospital. I noticed a familiar figure and made my way over. I spotted a young man with long, brown hair sitting on a bench and walked over.

"This seat taken?" I asked and he gave a simple nod.

I sat down and glanced over, confirming my beliefs.

"I hope they've been treating you well here Eren," I commented with a smile.

"They have. I've been lying, saying I have no memory," Eren responded.

"Must be taking a lot of effort to keep your injuries the way they are," I pointed out once I noticed his missing leg.

"It's fine. Nothing training hasn't prepared me for," Eren spoke.

I sighed. "I'm glad we're on good terms now."

"I mostly pursued you out of curiosity of somehow gaining control over the Founders powers. Zeke claimed if I touch you, I would be able to grant a wish. But....all these years nothing I decided to take you off guard. It was a dick move and I regret it...." Eren explained. "I care for you as a friend. Your titan is somehow blocking mine in order to halt the wish process."

"I have a wish I would like to make...once I gain control," I told him. "I wish to eradicate all the titans, like you always spoke of when we were younger."

"That's a good wish. All titans would be gone and no one would have any abilities."

"Promise me.....You will go along with this wish. I don't want countless innocent lives murdered..."

Eren stared at me for awhile and then nodded. "I promise."

I smiled and then rested a hand on his shoulder. "I'll see you later. Make sure to contact everyone, letting them know you're alive and send details of the plan I told you about awhile ago..."

"I will. See you."

I waved bye as I walked out of the hospital grounds and headed toward Marley, in search of the Tybur's.

They were most likely in a nice lavish place, due to fame and most likely riches as well. I searched for awhile and it became dark. I spotted Magath exited a nice place near where the Helos statue was. I snuck inside and creaked open a door, seeing Willy Tybur and his kids. There were no guards due to the fact they were settling for the night.

Reiner is probably wondering where I am....and I should be home putting my kids to bed. This was important though.

"Who goes there?" Willy questioned and looked towards the door.

"A possible ally," I responded.

"That's what Marley wants from me, but I doubt you are Marleyan," he said. "I know who you are. Head to the second floor balcony."

Should I trust him.....Not yet, but I'll do this for now.

I went to the balcony and waited patiently. Soon enough I hear the footsteps approaching.

"Ah...A Warrior of Marley. What an honor it is," Tybur spoke respectively. "But I doubt the reason for you being here has anything to do with Marley loyalty."

"Willy Tybur. I am (Y/n) Reiss. Queen of Paradise, my ancestor being the first king," I introduced myself. "I'm here to free the eldians from Marley snare and gain support from other nations, along with destroying all titans."

"That's a pretty tall order you have," Willy commented and leaned against the ledge. "I wish for my people to have a chance at hope again....The Tybur family made a deal with the 1st King in order to stop the war, but now his kin want to start another one but end it quickly."

"Yes...." I replied.

"You don't possess the Founding Titan though. That is in Eren Yeager's possession," he stated.

"How do you know?"

"I read reports and everything. I plan to release the truth to all eldians civilians and to other nations," Willy told me. "Marley wants me to be able to make all nations rally with them in order to destroy Paradise."

"People in Paradise are innocent and have no memory of this history of war and pain...They deserve a chance," I explained. "I plan to kill all Marley higher ups and rule with peace and not fear, giving all citizens rights, even Marleyans who are now freed."

"That sounds....better than another tragic war," Willy said, partially convinced. "You could help me."


It was quiet for awhile and then he smiled.

"How would you like to be in a play?"

I'm sorry this took so long!!

Hope you liked the chapter! It's a bit short and more filler, but still good I hope. :)

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