120 - Fallen Trost

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Author's Note: I was inspired and just wrote this and here you go

I woke up later than I thought I would and sat up in bed. I lightly ran a hand through my messy bed head and glanced outside. Today I'm supposed to head back home into the capital, but I don't think I really want to. I felt free out here. It felt like I had less things to worry about and the King's Will didn't dictate my life constantly, just like my father.

I got up and got dressed in a grey blouse and black dress pants. I didn't feel like being fancy and wear a dress. I was never a fan of dresses afterall. I heard a small whistle sound outside and looked out, only to watch as giant pieces of stone crashed into buildings. My eyes widened and I looked up, watching as steam filled the air where something once was. The Colossal Titan had just attacked Trost.

I watched as Garrison and cadets rushed back to headquarters. Once I saw that, I immediately rushed downstairs. I was met with the sight of people rushing around, getting blades and gas. They were going to fight. Of course they were, it is what they signed up for.

"(Y/n), what're you doing here? I thought you would've been gone by now," a familiar voice spoke and I looked over to see Reiner rushing over to me.

"I...slept in," I replied.

"You need to get out of here, to safety," Reiner commented.

"I'm not afraid of titans," I responded.

Reiner was surprised by this and then looked down at me.

"It doesn't matter whether you're afraid or not. I'd rather know you're safe," Reiner stated.

I let out a sigh and nodded, feeling a bit flustered at his words. Before I knew it, I was picked up in his arms and he raced outside.

"Wait. Don't you have a squad to be with," I pointed out.

"That's right, but our main priority is to get people to safety," Reiner replied, using his ODM gear to fly off.

I held onto him tightly as he maneuvered through Trost and towards the exit. We landed and he set me down, just outside where the people were evacuating. He moved to leave, but I grabbed his jacket sleeve stopping him.

He looked at me surprised and then I leaned up, giving him a small peck on the cheek before moving away.

"Stay safe," I spoke.

Reiner smiled at me and nodded his head, replying with "I will" before flying away.

The evacuation was being held up by someone and I stared out as I knew there was no way for them to close the broken entrance. Titans will just keep flooding through. I have the power to stop it.

3rd POV

Hours had gone by of fighting the titans. Many lives were lost and headquarters had been taken over. When we finally were able to take back headquarters, many took notice of an abnormal titan who had a vengeance against it's own kind.

That titan turned out to be Eren Jaeger. The shock was real amongst all those who knew. But, the Garrison Commander found a way he could use Eren, many saw him as their last home.

The plan was set and all Eren had to do was lift up a boulder. He transformed, but instead attacked his comrades and eventually just sat there doing nothing. While this took place, many cadets were risking their lives to drive titans towards one edge of Trost. The flare signal of failure was soon shot into the air and that when they knew, humanity was lost.

But, many noticed a few frozen titans who stand still, unmoving as if forced to do so. There were several of them, as if there was a path, making it's way to the broken gate. Several went to investigate and once they got to the edge of Trost, just saw a girl, walking towards the opening.

Many shouted for her, telling her to get out of their but the titans didn't seem to harm her. When they came to close they would just halt, like dogs obeying their master.

Garrison and cadets watched as this girl held her hands up. Three titans walked into the hole and stood there. Soon, stone began to fill up the hole as the titans seem to transform into a new wall, one so that titans could no longer get through. The gate had been sealed. Titans could no longer get into the city.

As she turned around and many went to her aid, they noticed who she was.

(Y/n) Reiss. Although, she was different. Her eyes were a blazing, bright purple for those who got close enough to see. What had she done?

1st Person

I stood there as several people approached me at of no where. I didn't think many people were over here, but I was wrong. I had been seen, but I'm sure no one could explain it. I could wipe all of their memories of what happened, but what good would that do them. There would be just this unknown cause of power that somehow sealed the gate.

With them knowing it's me, how bad would that be. People would take me more serious. I could finally help my people in this hell of a world we live in. I can protect them. The King's Will halts me from war, but I'm not fighting a war.

He cannot control everything in my life. I'll do whatever I can to make this place better. Better for everyone. Even if it means, becoming the new King.


I probably said it'd be awhile before I published another chapter.....

I guess....I lied??

My bad babes. Love you thou

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!! Thank you!

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