Ch. 30 - Feelings Revealed

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I entered the stables and grabbed the rake, cleaning up the aisle way of hay or any droppings before moving onto the stalls. This brought back memories of when I was basically cleaning the stalls for months and my friends would help.

I smiled as I remembered this and walked over to the hay pile, beginning to load some into a wheelbarrow. All the sudden I felt arms around my waist and I panicked. I grabbed their arms and threw them onto the hay pile.

"Reiner! You scared me!" I scolded when I saw who it was.

"Well, you think I would've learned my lesson by now," Reiner stated and chuckled.

I smiled in amusement and held my hand out to help him up. He grabbed it, but instead pulled me on top of him.

"Reiner!" I exclaimed as I was now on top of him.

I was a flustered mess at this point as he held me to him, lying on the hay pile.

"(Y/N). I care about you so much," Reiner whispered as he stared at me.

His arms tightened around my waist, holding me closer to him.

"I know that there is a lot going on right now. Titans. Expeditions. I also know that you have a lot going on in your life," Reiner said softly. "And I want you to feel safe and at least enjoy life a little."

"I like you too, Reiner," I revealed and smiled at him.

Before he could do anything, I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel him kissing back and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment we were having. He broke the kiss and sat up, to where I was now sitting on his lap. He began to kiss my neck and I shivered at the affection. I'd never really experienced anything like this.

"Reiner..." I murmured and he pulled away, now resting his forehead against mine. "Thank you for everything."

"Anything for you," he said and then kissed me again.

I felt his hand move down my back, heading in a direction I wasn't really comfortable with.

"Reiner. I...I don't want to go farther than this," I told him seriously, my face felt warm from my blushing.

Reiner nodded. "I'm sorry," he said and kissed my forehead.

"It's okay," I replied and lightly ran a hand through his hair.

"Don't be afraid to tell me anything," Reiner said seriously, looking me dead in the eye. "You can talk to me anytime. I promise you can trust me."

I nodded and smiled at him. He then went to kiss me again, but all the sudden I yanked off of him. I didn't know what happened, but next thing I know I'm being crushing in a hug by Ymir.

"What's your game Reiner? Trying to steal the princess from all of us?" Ymir scolded as she held onto me.

"She's a princess. I had no idea," Reiner said joking around, not realizing that Ymir wasn't joking about the princess thing. "My apologies your majesty."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to pardon you," I replied with a smile.

"Stop flirting with him," Ymir scolded as she shook my shoulders.

"I'm sorry but not sorry," I stated. "Now stop shaking me."

Ymir stopped shaking me and looked over at Reiner. "I'm watching you Braun!" She announced and then picked me up bridal style, carrying me out of the stables.

"Ymir! I can walk on my own," I said as we exited the stables.

She finally put me down and looked at me like some disappointed mom.

"Why the heck were you sucking face with Braun in the stables," Ymir questioned. "You like him or something?"

"Um....Yeah," I responded, blushing.

Ymir looked at me in shocked. "I can't stop you, but I don't approve."

I rolled my eyes and then asked, "Were you looking for me for some reason?"

"Oh yeah. We need to talk again," Ymir said, grabbing my arm and dragging me off.

"Okay...." I replied as we walked through headquarters.

We arrived in an empty hallway and she let go of me.

"I'm a titan," Ymir whispered and stared at me. "I wanted to tell you because you seem to understand and know stuff like this."

"Yeah. That's because the attack titan is the one who killed my family," I stated.

" mean Eren's titan?" She questioned which I answered with a nod. "But why did they attack your family."

"Because my family were the one's who had the Founding titan," I replied. "Now, Eren wasn't the one who did it back then. The person before him is to blame. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to tear him apart."

"So, me being a titan isn't weird to you?" Ymir asked.

"No. My older sister was a titan and I was going to inherit a titan as well one day," I informed her. "Eren has both the founding and attack and he has yet to find out. I don't plan on telling anyone. I would give myself away."

"Can't let anyone know you're a princess," Ymir said with a smirk. "You know what sounds better. Queen."

I chuckled in amusement. "Maybe one day, Ymir. But not anytime soon," I replied, smiling. "I'm gonna go get some rest."

"Alright. Goodnight your majesty," Ymir teased.

"Goodnight Ymir," I responded and headed off towards the girls' room.

I changed into a long green shirt and baggy black pants before lying down. I cuddled up with my blanket and closed my eyes, eventually falling asleep.


I stood in the same lush field as before and looked around. The forest was where it was last time and so was Wall Rose. I looked around a bit more again and spotted Reiner. I smiled and ran over to him, hugging him tightly.

"I love (Y/N)," he mumbled in his deep, calming voice.

I stood there shocked with tears in my eyes. Only my adopted family and Frieda said that to me. I smiled and then kissed him passionately. All the sudden it felt like the ground was shaking. I pulled away from Reiner and he faded away again.

"No!" I cried out trying to reach for him, but he was already gone.

The shaking didn't stop and looked towards the forest. There was a large shadow running from it and heading towards me at top speed. I turned away and began to run. I ran as long as I could and then tripped. All the sudden I was now in a lake. Not just in the lake, sinking in the lake, staring up at the surface. I'm drowning, but I don't feel it.

Could any of this mean something?

Or is it just a dream?

Hehehehe. Got some spicy Reiner time. Your welcome.

Also some more mama Ymir time and revealing more of each others secrets.

Expedition is soon! Can't wait for that!

Thank you for reading.

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