Ch.5 - An Unwanted Apology

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Reiner Pov:

"Wait! Reiner! I can't-" were the words she yelled before falling into the water below.

"REINER! YOU IDIOT!" Annie yelled and narrowed her eyes at him.

"What?" I replied clearly not understanding the situation.

"Reiner! She had an isolated life before joining the training corps," Christa cried. "She can't swim!"

My eyes widened in realization. What have I done! I immediately moved away and raced off the cliff, diving into the lake below. I spotted her sinking form and swam down after her. I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her to me, as I began to swim to the surface. Once I broke the surface, I swam over to shore and laid (Y/N) down.

She immediately coughed up water and gasped for breath. What had I done?

1st person pov:

I coughed up water and gasped for breath, as I regained air through my lungs. I looked over and saw Reiner standing over me, clearly shocked. I didn't care. I didn't even care what condition I was in, because I immediately got up.

"You absolute lunatic!" I yelled at him.

Everyone had gotten to the shore at this point, whether they were in the water or were on the cliff.

"Do you ever think about what could possibly happen to someone if you throw them off a cliff?!" I shouted. "Was the point of this suppose to be fun? I don't think falling off a cliff into a lake is fun. You didn't even know if any of us could actually swim!"

I then began to walk up to him, continuing my rant, "Don't you ever mess with me again."

I grabbed his arm and flipped him off the ground and into the water. I brushed off my hands and stalked off into the woods. That idiot. What was wrong with him to think this was a good idea? We're here to train, not goof around and die before actually facing titans. This whole situation was pointless.

I made it back to the barracks and grabbed a towel, drying myself off as best as I could. I then took off my wet uniform and began to change into my normal clothes. I was able to put on new underwear, pants, sports-bra, and socks, but as I pulled on my baby blue shirt I heard the door creak open. My eyes widened and I looked over to see Reiner in the doorway.

"Close the door!" I screamed at him and he did so immediately.

I sighed in annoyance and then pulled on my shirt finally. I then walked over to the barracks door and swung it open to see a clearly flustered Reiner.

"These are the girl barracks! Don't you know how to knock?!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I should have knocked."

I huffed and then asked, "Why are you here?"

"Christa said I should apologize to you," Reiner stated and looked at me.

"Come apologize to me on your own terms, not because someone told you you should," I hissed and then slammed the door in his face.

I sighed and then crawled into my bunk, and began to do the thing I originally planned during my free time. Sleep.

I woke up the next morning to Shadis yelling. I was surprised we could hear it over the rain pouring outside. We were going to do a running drill. We're supposed to carry heavy equipment in backpacks while running in formation, in the rain. I hated it, but I got ready none the less.

I changed into uniform, along with a training corps cloak to help with the pouring rain. Once outside, we were lined up and given our equipment. Then we began our long run through the rain. I was still woozy from yesterday's incident, but I didn't let it stop me from trying.

We ran for what felt like forever and I was getting exhausted and the equipment on my back felt heavier than ever. I was beginning to fall behind and I was trying my best to keep up. All of a sudden I felt the weight lifted off my back. I looked up and saw Reiner.

"What are you doing?" I asked clearly confused.

"You're falling behind. If you're given a break for just a second, you'll catch up," Reiner commented.

"You'll get in trouble with the instructor. Give back the bag," I said and grabbed it back from him.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry," Reiner genuinely said and looked at me.

"Not now," I replied coldly and ran up, catching up and falling in line with everyone once again.

After another half hour of running, we were finally finished. I gave back the backpack and headed to the dining hall, starving to death. I grabbed some food and sat down at an empty table. Soon Annie joined me. We appreciated each others quiet and non-chaoticness.

Soon Christa came over and sat beside me.

"Have you not forgiven Reiner yet?" Christa asked.

"No. Why would I," I replied with a huff, as I took a bite out of my bread.

"He feels really bad (Y/N). He didn't know," she said trying to defend him.

"Why defend him? What he did was wrong," Annie commented.

"She's kinda right Christa," Ymir joined in, sitting at the table as well.

"But, shouldn't everyone be given a chance," Christa stated with sad eyes.

"That's up to (Y/N). She doesn't have to accept his apology until she feels as if he deserves it," Ymir replied. "I'm glad you're trying to defend him, Christa. It's so nice of you!"

"I'll accept his apology when he earns my respect," I said and left it at that, before excusing myself from the table and leaving the dining hall.

He gotta earn dat respect y'all.

I'm sorry XD

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