Ch. 73 - Our Sister

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3rd Person

"What're you doing here?" Mikasa asked as she pulled out her blades in case Annie made a move.

"I'm here to save (Y/N)," Annie responded simply.

"How did you know she was here?" Jean asked curiously.

"The letter she wrote me," Annie informed them. "It mentioned this place and I've been scoping it out for awhile."

"Letter?" Hange questioned.

Annie pulled out a slip of paper and held it out to them. Armin walked over and took it from her, reading over the contents.

Dear Annie,

I hope you're doing okay right now. A lot has happened. I made sure Reiner and Bertholdt were able to escape to Wall Maria if that helps ease your conscious a little bit.
Currently, I predict that soon I'll be captured at some point. My father will most likely want me to regain the Founding Titan and take control of the world again. I don't want to. I'm scared.
You don't know this, but I recently was forced upon a new titan power that not even the King knew about. Having one is already enough in my opinion and I do not know how the world will react. Hopefully not too bad.
If I do get captured, it's by that chapel I mentioned before when I sent you out here to hide. I know you want to keep yourself safe, but if you ever find out that I got captured. Please save me....I'm afraid of changing for a cause I don't believe.....

(Y/N) Reiss

"It is from (Y/N)," Armin confirmed and looked to Annie. "Are you really here to save her?"

"I am. I'm returning the favor she did for me," Annie stated. "Even when she found out I was a titan, she didn't judge me. She admired me and didn't immediately hate me for what I was....She means a lot to me."

"Can we trust her," Levi questioned.

"When it comes to (Y/N), I doubt Annie would try anything," Sasha commented.

"Let's just save them and discuss some things with you later Leonhart," Hange declared.

Annie nodded and then opened the hatch.

"The cavern is huge and they're most likely at the far back," Annie informed them. "There are several pillars that will give maneuvering gear an advantage in fighting. I will not be changing into my titan here, the area does not give me an advantage of any kind."

"No. But it gives me one," Ymir commented out of the blue.

"What?" Annie asked, confused.

"I am in possession of the Jaw Titan," Ymir revealed to Annie. "I don't remember anything from the person I took it from, but I assume you knew them."

Annie stared at her in shock and nodded.

"If you use your titan in this area, you'll definitely take them by surprise," Annie commented.

"I have more ideas for how we can get an advantage on them," Armin announced and began to go over the plan.

1st Person

We stood at the bottom of the ledge, waiting for our father to return. I assumed he was going to get the supplies needed in order to turn a person into a titan. Not like a need that.

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