Ch. 88 - Let's Be Allies

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Days continued to go by as the Warriors helped the Scouts with experiments along with making sure the walls were rid of titans. That way citizens can start moving back to the outer cities in Wall Maria. I've set up funds and everything to help rebuild some villages and help with future farming.

Reiner and I have been trying to keep our relationship more under wraps. The only people who know we're together is Ymir, Historia, Bertholdt, and Annie. My other friends don't know since we never made an announcement of it or anything.

Anyway, today was my day to spend with Quinn. Tina and Xavier usually allow me to babysit her for a day when they want to have some time together. Today Quinn wanted to go to the library. I gave in and led her to the library. Once we got there, I picked her up in my arms and began to look at the shelves.

"Well, what book do you want to read," I asked her.

"Uhhh...." Quinn began and then looked away. "Who is that?"

I glanced over and saw Zeke approaching us. He stood before me and nodded.

"Morning your majesty," Zeke greeted. "And who is this?"

"My sister, Quinn," I replied softly. "Quinn, this is Zeke."

"Nice to meet you," Quinn said and held out her hand,  smiling.

"Nice to meet you as well," Zeke responded and shook her small hand. "I was wondering if you would like to have tea with me, Queen (Y/N)."

"Um. Sure," I replied, confused and then set down my sister. "Quinn, can you go ask Reya to make some tea and then come back here."

Quinn nodded and then raced off. I walked over to a table by the window and sat down, Zeke joining me.

"Since when do you want tea with the Queen," I asked. "You usually just immerse yourself with books."

"Figure I should make allies with family and apologize," Zeke said. "I'm sorry I stabbed you.....I was just doing what I thought was best for me."

"Well, luckily I'm full of surprises and am hard to kill," I responded with a smirk. "So, you seriously think euthanizing all the eldians would just solve all the problems."

"It would get rid of all the titan powers and solve eldian discrimination," Zeke stated.

"I get that we would never suffer if we were never born, but life isn't meant to be perfect, Zeke," I told him.

Soon Quinn came back and jumped on me. I smiled and then helped her to where she sat on my lap. Reya then walked in and set two cups of tea on the table before walking away. I grabbed a cup in one hand and began to lightly sip it.

"So, when are you and Reiner going to have kids?" Zeke asked suddenly.

I spat out my tea and looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?! And I'm seventeen, I shouldn't be having children," I said practically stuttering.

"Ah, but that doesn't stop Reiner from sneaking into your room," Zeke responded with a smirk, sipping his tea.

"Spy," I shot back.

"I'm just watching out for my relative," Zeke replied. "You and Reiner need to contain yourselves. Especially if you two want to infiltrate Marley with no worries."

"...I know..." I responded.

"You'll need to fool the Marley soldiers so they believe that you're something they need to use while they have you," Zeke explained. "You'll probably have to kill innocents and fight in wars, use your titan ability."

"Yeah...I've come up with my backstory," I replied confidently as I began to braid Quinn's hair.

"Do tell?" Zeke asked.

"I'm Ada Prinz," I stated confidently. "My family was originally from Marley and were able to steal an unknown titan power but the King trapped them inside the walls. We've been trying to find a safe way out and when the Warriors arrived I began to help them search for the coordinate."

"Hmmm....Convincing," Zeke responded. "Then they'll test you. So, make sure your relationship is under wraps while we're there."

"Noted," I replied with a sigh.

"I know our relationship had a rocky start, but I want to try and fix that," Zeke spoke. "Let's be allies. Pieck trusts you. I trust you."

"Alright," I said and nodded to him. "But stop spying on Reiner and I."

"Fair enough," Zeke said with a chuckle.

"You guys talk about weird stuff," Quinn commented and smiled innocently at us.

"Yes, we do," I replied and kissed her forehead.

I glanced over at Zeke and sighed.

"Euthanizion would mean I would never get pleasant moments like this ever," I stated and hugged Quinn close to me. "I want to be able to have these moments for as long as I have left."

I was trying really hard to get such an idea out of Zeke's head. But I really doubt it was getting through to him.

"When did you inherit your titan," Zeke asked curiously.

"Couple months ago," I replied. "So I have longer time than most."

"You say no one knew of this power. Not even the King did," Zeke questioned.

"Yeah. The man who gave it to me was afraid, but not afraid of death. He thought that Marley had come for him," I mentioned. "But that doesn't make sense. You can't chase after something you never knew existed."

"Are you able to use your past memory ability with all people," Zeke asked.

"I don't know..." I responded. "I know I can use it on those with titans, but I don't think I can do it with regular people."

"Never know until you try," Zeke stated and sipped his tea, leaning back in his chair. "Living in luxury is pretty nice."

"Yeah. Don't get use to it," I replied with a chuckle. "We'll be off to Marley at some point, once we get this plan finalized and set in stone."

Ayyyyye. It's me again adding another update to the story!

They're gonna start planning Marley stuff soon and head out there, so there will probably be a lot of chapter of Y/N in Marley since I want to give the anime more time to get out episodes.

I probably won't update so many chapters now. Mostly because I have school starting up again now. So, I will try to at least get a chapter in a day, possibly more or less depending on what's going on.

This might be the last update for today. I'm trying to plan things in my head where I want to take the story and what all I could do in Marley before the big thing happens. Sooooo yeah.

Anyway, Zeke is Y/N's ally now. Yay!
Also, he's a freaking sneak spying on Reiner and Y/N

Well, thank you for reading!

Girl From Royalty Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora